Chapter Two: More Mutants?

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     I was out jumping rooftops, enjoying the feeling on the wind on my face. It was something I enjoy doing quite regularly when I am not involved in other more sinister activities. However, that is not my intention tonight, tonight I am are just having a good time. Everything is going normally when suddenly four mysterious appear quite apparently jumping from rooftops not too far away from you. This does indeed spike my interest seeing as no normal human could have the ability to do such things. I then begin to contemplate whether or not I should go take a look...What if I get caught? Maybe they might see me... Those thoughts are hastily brushed aside when I remind yourself you can easily take care of yourself, after all, you are partly a mutant. Besides what's the worst that could happen? Famous last words...after arguing with myself for a rather lengthy period of time I finally decide to follow them before they completely leave my field of vision with all that time I wasted having a small internal argument with myself. 

     I follow them for what I assume to be a couple of minutes and in that time I do not really get any closer, due to having to stop and hide behind whatever I can find to hide from their line of sight. It does not take long for you to realize they are rather cautious beings since they are always checking their backs. This only piques my curiosity more because now I want to know why they are so careful about being spotted by someone. What are they hiding? If I did not know better I would just think they were paranoid. My line of thoughts is cut short when I hear the a woman shriek causing my attention to be pulled away from my thoughts and to finding the source of the sound. My eyes scan the nearby streets in the general direction I heard the scream from when your eyes land on a woman backed up against a wall with a handful of who you recognize to be Purple Dragon thugs cornering her in, presumably to rob her. Honestly, I do not care much for her and choose to ignore her. Does he really deserve to be saved for being so foolish?  A woman like her should not be wandering around alone at night let alone in Purple Dragon territory, not to mention how feeble and defenceless she is! Although apparently those four men or whatever they are seem to care a lot because the next thing I know they are down in the alley with her fighting off the thugs. My best guess is either a vigilante of some sort or perhaps just sympathetic weirdos. Or even both.

     As they are occupied fighting the foolish woman's attackers off I run swiftly to the closest cover you see, which happens to be a dumpster to get a closer look. Since they are clearly not human as they were jumping from rooftops, I want to know more. I take a closer look and see something completely shocking...they are...turtles?! How is that even possible? After I ask myself that I mentally slap myself when I realize they are so obviously mutants. What else could they be? Of course, they are mutants I should have known that from the very start seeing as I myself am a mutant, although not quite as far mutated as they clearly are. While I was lost in thought I come to another realization. That realization is that they had left without a trace while I was so busy lost in thought. I really need to stop getting distracted so easily at key moments.

     I need to find them again...I need revenge on Bishop for killing my parents, and if he turned me half mutant he might have done the same to them. If they know of him even that can help me track him down, whether they're allies, enemies, or what it can help. I do not exactly know if these turtles will be willing to help me so I need to find out who or what they are and what they know about Bishop if anything. I will avenge your parents and Bishop will die.


Edit A/N: Getting through that editing! Now although I am editing the book I am not extending the chapter that much. I am a little bit of course since they are unbelievably short, especially near the beginning of the book, but I am only making them slightly longer because honestly editing is not exactly quick and it is rather time-consuming. I do have to remember I have other books to edit and update.


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