Chapter Seven

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Oh no, what on earth am I suppose to do now? Think Y/N think... I can't just wait around here! 

Just then you hear some shouting coming from a few rooms away. Sounds like they're arguing or something. Then footsteps getting louder and closer to the room you're in!

You look quickly around the room for something to hide behind or another way out or something when you see a large pipe going along the centre of the room. Just as the door starts to open you jump up and grab the pipe just above the door and hope you aren't spotted.

The turtle (presumably Mikey) enters the room heading straight for the bed plopping down onto it face first with a groan.

Well, he seems tired. Good then he won't notice me so easy, now's my chance!

As silently as you can you fall to the floor and tiptoe out of the room and look around for any sign of the other turtles. You don't see anyone in the main room so you silently walk through towards the exit.


"Shoot!" You hear Mikey running up behind you (you could tell from his voice) so you run as fast as you can out of the lair and through the sewers to the surface. He didn't catch you, as you are very fast being having extra speed than a normal person (or mutant).

After you're sure you aren't being followed you slow down a bit to enjoy the NYC view. 

"Mission complete on my way back now." You speak into your comm to Bethany whom you completely forgot about during your escape.

"Sure took you long enough."

"I didn't even take that long." You mumble

"W-w-waaaait hold on you mean you're coming back now??"

"Well, that's what I just said isn't it genius?"

"Like right now?"

"Yes, Bethany like right now."

"ugh oh.."

"What did you do?.."

"Um, nothing I gotta go..."

"W-wait what?" But she had already turned her comm off. "Drat!"

What has she done now? I better get back quickly if I want to find out.

Time Skip: 20 minutes later

You finally arrive back and as you enter the warehouse you are greeted by an awful sight..

Bethany sitting in the midst of empty pizza boxes, sodas, and literally every other food you can think of all over the floor, as she drops the can she was putting in the bin(presumably trying to tidy up) with a nervous chuckle."

"It wasn't me! It was...the...."

"The what? What do you have to say for yourself."

"The um...the cat...yes the cat."

"We don't have a cat."

" you accusing me of lying??"

"Yes, I am as a matter a fact! Now, what is all the mess?!"

"Well, we got sodas, pizza boxes, chip bags-"

"Yes I know what it is, but why is it all over the floor?!"


"Okay, I think we need to set some boundaries here!"

"Yes, I agree!"

"Huh?" You asked confused.

She grabs some paint and a brush and paints it around your feet in a small circle.

"That'll do."

"What's this??"

"Boundaries." Bethany replies simply.

*facepalm* "I'm going to bed"

"Yeah me too, sleep does sound pretty appealing."

"No I'M going  to bed, YOU'RE cleaning up this mess!"


As you're walking to your room you stop and say," Wait a did you get all the food anyway?"

"Oh, I found some money in the cabinet."

"You mean my highly protected safe??!"

"Yeah, that."

"YOU- you know what, nevermind I've had enough for one day we can sort this out tomorrow I'm going to bed."

Thanks for reading! And yes I am aware I haven't updated in awhile sorry 'bout that. C'ya next time!

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