Chapter Seventeen

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Again No Music I'm saving all the good stuff ;)

Me: *Remembers when I actually used to try and name chapters*


Y: "Hey, guys  think something's going on over there." I point over to some dudes in suits and a few bodyguards doing some kind of deal.

L: "Looks like a drug deal to me."

R: "Let's go beat them up." Raph says before cracking his fingers with his palm while smirking.

Our targets turn around with a shocked look on each of their faces, probably pretty surprised to see mutant turtles.

They get their guns out and point them at us ready to shoot, but they don't. It looks like they're looking at something behind us. I turn my head and see not one, not two, but three mutants! Not to mention a handful or Kraang robots.

Y: "Ugh...guys? Look behind us."

The turtles turn around and see the mutants and their eyes grow wide. I turn back to the thugs to see them running away in fear. Not so tough now!... I hope these tranqs are strong enough though, I haven't measured the correct amount yet...

The mutants start running at us while the Kraang get out there guns, slowly advancing behind them. I Shoot one of the mutants in the chest. It slows down, but it isn't knocked out yet so I shoot another two into the torso and thigh. Finally, that mutant collapses to the ground.

While the turtles are busy fighting the other two mutants whilst dodging bullets from the Kraang robots, I run up the side of the wall and land back on the ground when I'm behind the Kraang and mutants. 

Take this Kraang! I extend my claws and slash them on the back of one of the Kraang, kicking then next one, then finally extending my tail as well, wacking another over the head. I then shoot four tranqs into the back of another mutant, knocking it out.

Raph finishes off the last mutant, while the rest of the turtles defeat the last two Kraang bots.

Y: "Phewf! Looks like the tranq's worked nicely!

M: "That was awesome! I want one of those wrist thingies!"

Y: "Wrist thingies? Anyway, Donny, I need to borrow you. There's not any point us running around the city fighting impossibly hard to beat mutants when we could be using tranquilizers to finish them in half the time."

D: "We haven't made the team's guns yet."

Y: "Exactly so let's go back to the warehouse, make some and make things easier for ourselves."

M: "Well, what we waiting for dudes and dudettes? Let's go!"

Time skip: Random time in the future cause I'm lazy.

B: "Dudes and doughnuts listen up!"

Y: "Dudes and doughnuts?"

B: "Yeah, the guys are dudes and the girls are doughnuts. Anyway not important. So I was thinking-"

Y: "Hold up, hold up, you? Thinking? That'd be a first!"

B: "Hey! As I was saying there's a building with cameras opposite T.C.R.I.-"

Y: "Woah big shocker."

B: "Keep quiet and let me finish. So I hacked the cameras and well...the Kraang are setting up the bomb!"

Y: "You could've said so a bit sooner!"

L: "Don the guns ready?

D: "Yup."

L: "Let's go then!"

Guys....we're about to start the climax! I'm excited! Are you? Anyway sorry, the update was pretty short, but I gotta save some awesomeness for the next chapter, right?

Shameless self-advertising: Go check out my new ff! It's called Blackout, another tmnt fanfiction obviously ;)

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