Chapter Eleven

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Music: Nightcore I'm Gonna Show You Crazy [Clean]

Raphael POV

Leo had something he wanted to say to us all, for a second I actually wasn't expecting it to be stupid, I thought wrong. Then again it is Leo...

L: Look, guys, I really think we should team up with Y/N to defeat the Kraang."

All: "WHAT?"

R: "Are you out of your mind Leo?!"

L: "Look just hear me out okay?"

D: "I don't think we're going to like the idea anymore after you explain.."

L: "Look, guys, you've all seen what she can do, with her on our side we could defeat the Kraang, something we have needed to do for a long time."

R: "wha- how many things are wrong with what you just said, let's see..number one, Leo, yes we sure have seen what she can do, us being on the receiving end! Number two, what on earth makes you think she would help us? And number three we don't need her help we're doing just fine! And number four...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND???"

D: "Never thought I'd say this, but I have to agree with Raph on this one, there's no way we can team up with...her. And by my calculations, there is a 97.3% chance she will betray us."

L: "Why can't you guys just listen to me for once?! I am the leader after all!" Ugh, he always brings that one up.

R: "Oh I don't know maybe we're just not all as stupid as you Leo!"

L: *sigh*"Well, Mikey what do you think? Same as everyone else I assume?"

M: "Huh? What? Oh, no I didn't think about it."

R: "Course you didn't, thinking isn't really one of your strong points, could say the same for Leo here!"

M: "HEEEEy!"

L: "Fine do what you want!"

With that Leo storms out of the lair.

M: "So...what are the chances he's not going to see Y/N?"

R: "Zero Mikey. Zero."


I'm woken up to Bethany shaking me while I'm trying to sleep, does she even value her hands?

Y: "What?! And this better be good!"

B: "The silent alarms went off outside!"

Y: "If you're waiting for me to care I hope you brought yourself a beverage or something 'cause you're gonna be waiting a very long time." I say putting my pillow over my head."

B: "Woah Rude!  Anyway, it's one of the turtles."

Y: "Please, save your breath. You'll probably need it to blow up your next date."

B: "Oi! I don't see you with any guys."

Y: "Well, looks like I have to get out of my bed and outside for one." I say groggily.

B: "Oh and I know you got all those roasts from a website!"

Y: "Well, they relate to the situation I'm in with you so..."

B: "Just go already."

Y: "After you."

After Bethany leaves the room I slip on a tracksuit, so I'm not going outside in my PJs.

On my way out I grab a katana in case.

On my way out I grab a katana in case

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As soon as I step outside I see Leo...of course it's Leo, what on earth does he want now!

Y: "What do you want Leo." I have my katana at the ready.

L: "You won't be needing that." He gestures to my katana.

Y: "Why? Cause I have a retractable metal tail, or because I can beat you? Or maybe the turret on the roof will do."

L: "No I just want to talk. I have a deal."

Y: "Go on."

L: "The Kraang have been an enemy of mine for a long time now, but we can't seem to finally defeat them, but with your help maybe we could."

Y: "Okay a deal implies there's something in it for me."

L: "At first I thought maybe we could give you information on the Kraang, but come to think of it we probably don't know anything you don't."

Y: "Come again, what's in it for me then?"

L: "Well, judging from the fact you were carrying an inactive Kraang to this old warehouse of yours makes me think you aren't exactly buddies."

Y: "And that means I want to help you?"

L: "I don't know, you tell me."

Y: "Okay...but if we're going to do this there's something I probably should tell you. I and my...associate broke into the T.C.R.I. building, I'm not going to tell you what we were doing in there, but we came across something called 'Operation Juno', it seemed important, and I think the Kraang are planning something, something big."

L: "Well I suppose we can start with that then."

Y: "Come with me."

L: "Where?"

Y: "We're going to find out what Operation Juno is."

If you're wondering why I've updated twice today it's because I can't update again to Monday so I'm going doing two today :)

Story Hint: Operation Juno is going to be a vital part of the story so stay posted to find out what it is :D

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