Chapter Fourteen

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Music: [Nightstep] Light 'em up Remix


At about 10:00 pm the next night the silent perimeter alarms go off. I get off the seat I was on and walk over to the computer screens, it would seem the turtles have arrived as planned. I then go over to my vault typing in the passcode, '77', your cell number in T.C.R.I.

I quickly grab my wrist guns putting them on my wrists, bringing out my different types of ammo, tranquilizers, diamond bullets, and my personal favorite, the electrically primed bullet.

B: "Don't even think of using the elephant tranquilizers without measuring the milligrams!"

Y: "I don't have time, the turtles are here."

B: "Then don't use them. And what are ya thinking of doing? Knocking them out again?"

Y: "No just precautions."

B: "Can I come out too? I totally wanna meet the turtles!"

Y: "Goodness no!"

B: "Aww why?"

Y: "Just don't come out okay?"

B: "Yeah.."

 -Outside- No POV

L: "Think she's coming?" Leo asks no one particular

M: "Maybe there's a doorbell or something."

R: "Really Mikey?"

D: "Definitely not a doorbell, but there is a password for the door."

R: "Yay, 'cause that fixes everything." Raphael says completely bored.

Just then the warehouse doors open and Y/N steps out wearing completely black.

Just then the warehouse doors open and Y/N steps out wearing completely black

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Y: "You're late."

M: "We've been here for years!"

D: "Actually we've been here for exactly-"

Y: "You're still late. I specifically remember telling Raphael for ya'll to come at dusk, does 10 pm look like dusk to you?"

R: *rolls eyes* "Feel like telling us why we are here at all?"

Y: "Okay I'll get to the point then. I found the following information regarding Operation Juno. From what I can tell from the Kraang database, and the Kraang have discovered how to turn mutagen into an airborne toxin instead of liquid. They created this new toxin and turned it into a worldwide bomb scheduled to go off on the roof of the T.C.R.I. building here in NYC. Sadly I didn't discover when exactly this...catastrophe is supposed to be set up and go off."

R: "Okay so let's blow the building to bits."

Y: "Of course you want to do that. Are your brains in your biceps? We do that and they'll just blow it up somewhere else! Not to mention we won't even know where they'll decide to go!"

M: "Oooooh that makes sense!"

Y: "Course it does, I said it."

L: "Do we have a plan?"

Y: "Well, I have a plan, depends on if you agree."

L: "What is it?"

Y: "Look, we can't do anything about the bomb...not yet anyway, but we can prepare for it. And by that I mean we should train to be as effective as possible so we have a better chance of stopping this thing."

L: "So how do you suggest we do that?"

Y: "We train together, patrol every single night."

R: "With you? Why?"

Y: "We can learn to work together easier. To fight more effectively together."

M: "Huh?"

Y: "Teamwork basically."

D: "Strategically speaking this is our best option."

L: "We in agreement then?"

D: "I'm in."

M: "Me too."

L: "Raph?"

R: "...fine..."

L: "When do we start."

Y: "Right now."

Raphael POV

I don't trust Y/N, but I agree we need teamwork if we're actually doing this. Hey, who knows maybe she'll make a better leader than Leo.

Thank you my fans for reading :) Not a whole lot happened in the chapter, but don't worry the next update will probably have a good amount of action, we're getting to that good stuff! Recently I think I've been updating an awful lot and maybe it's just too much so I'm going to slow down the updates a tad, and I got a perfect idea to make that way easier!  A new TMNT fanfiction is in the early stages of development so requests are open. I haven't decided about the main character being a female turtle or some kind of salamandrian mutant crossbreed. As I say, requests are open. :)

(for requests I would prefer if you messaged me, but feel free to comment and please remember I'm not 100% going to do them, but I love your ideas so I will for sure consider all requests :)

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