Chapter Eighteen

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After getting the tranquilizer guns we arrive at the T.C.R.I. building in a few minutes, and it ain't good...

Mikey: "Uh...guys? What's that?" Mikey asks pointing up to some type of airship, hovering about the building.

guys? What's that?" Mikey asks pointing up to some type of airship, hovering about the building

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Y/N: "Probably filled with those mutant things. We gotta get up there quick!"

Bethany: "Uhh, how?"

I pull out a grapple gun and reply, "I don't know, there's probably an elevator in there something." 

Raph: "I hate elevators..."

Mikey: "Oooh is Raphie scaared?"


Mikey: "Aaaah!" Mikey screeches in a high pitched tone.

Raph: "No!..."

This is the point were Bethany bursts out laughing.

Y/N: "Come on we don't have time for this!" I say passing Raphael the grappling gun and extending my claws.

I climb up rather quickly reaching the roof of the building with Raphael right behind me. I see some Kraang beside the huge mutagen bomb.

I turn around quickly and give Raph a hand up, then quickly grabbing a sai from his belt

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I turn around quickly and give Raph a hand up, then quickly grabbing a sai from his belt.

Raphael: "Hey!"

Y/N: "Just need to borrow it." I say running towards the Kraang. I jump into the middle of the tight circle they have formed and quickly spin around the sai, slicing off each of the robotic heads.

Raphael: "Can I get that back now?"

Y/N: *smirks* " Sure, here. Pretty cool by the way." I say passing him his sai back.

Just then the others arrive up from the fire escape.

Y/N: "What took so long?"

Bethany: "Elevator doesn't go all the way up."

Y/N: "Just a random comment, I love what you've done with your hair! How do get it out your nostrils like that?"

Bethany: "Wha- I don't have-"

Raphael bursts out in a fit of laughter when the airship starts to hover closer to the roof we're on.

Leonardo: "Bethany, you go over to the control panel of the mutagen device and start disabling it." Bethany nods and walks over and starts trying to disable it. "Mikey, Donny, and I will protect the device, you and Raphael try and buy us some time."

Y/N: "Front lines...just what I like." I say cracking my knuckles.

The back of the airship opens up and...ten...twenty...thirty...forty...fifty, mutants jump onto the roof!

Well, this is gonna be fun...

The turtles shoot tranquilizers at the mutants from where they're standing and take care of any that get too close.

I slide under a few mutants shooting they're legs as I go. I stand up and turn around, seeing Raphael fighting a few of his own. I shoot two of the mutants he's fighting, and he turns around and throws his sai right at me. I  step to the right to see it land home in the chest of a mutant, about to attack me from behind.

Y/N: "Thanks Raphie." I shout over before pulling the said of from the mutant and immediately stick it in another one charging at me. I then throw the sai back, Raphael catches it quickly using it to block another monster's attack.

A horde of mutants come running at me, so I pull out a grenade from my belt, undo the pin, and throw it at them, getting rid of all of them.

Y/N: "Bethany, how long left before detonation on that bomb?!"

Bethany: "Uh...It detonates in one minute!" She shouts back.

Y/N: "How fast can you disable it?!"

Bethany: "Definitely more than one minute!"

Pushing past the others I run over to the control panel.

Bethany: "What are you gonna do with those?" Bethany asks when I draw out my claws.

Y/N: "I'm gonna slice a wire."

Bethany: "That could detonate it!"

Y/N: "It's gonna detonate anyway! What do we have to lose? Any chance it might work it worth it."

I quickly, but carefully lift the screen off the panel, revealing all the wiring of the bomb.

Red, blue, or yellow?

I get a hold of the blue wire, wondering which one to cut.

Bethany: "Twenty seconds!"

I feel beads of sweat trickle down the sides of my head.

Bethany: "Ten, nine, eight..."

I hesitantly move my hand over to the red wire, and...cut it.

Time seems to slow down when I hear shouting and then a sudden pain in my side when it all goes black.

I did it! I finally updated! Yes, that was the climax, and yes I did put a climax in the climax. Anyway, hope you liked it! I'll be updating soon! The end is near.


P.S: I entered this fanfiction for an award on wattpad so tell me if I got a spelling mistake, please!

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