Chapter Five: iS tHaT a BaGeL?

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  Time Skip: The Followwing Day


     This is perfect! Now I know exactly where their base is! To be honest, I was expecting more from them, being mutants and all. You should never underestimate your enemy, but it was pretty hard right now. All the easier for you though. To be fair they probably would not be expecting someone to be actively attempting to track them down, not that they should.

    I get the GPS tracker out of my leather bag and set it on a table, along with the rest of my gear from my bag. I need to get a few things for tonight's fun.

     I lay out a few things which include a sketchbook, smoke bombs, a flashlight, a few USBs, and finally my favourite wrist gun loaded with some tranqs I tweaked up.

     Now that I have everything I need I only have to wait now...I may as well go around town a bit have a look around, maybe steal some stuff to pass the time.

     I was just casually strolling down the streets when I come across a bakery. Looking through the window my eyes land on a poppy-seed bagel causing my stomach to growl. Putting my hand on my stomach I decided there would be no reason not to steal one. It was already closed, all the better for me, less likely to get caught that way. I smash the window, reach it and grab the bagel. On my way out suddenly someone speaks scaring the life out of you making you jump.

"Is that a bAgel??" a seemingly homeless girl on the street asks with a strong American accent.

"Huh? You what?" I say regaining your composure quickly, rather embarrassed a homeless girl just scared the life out of me. How did I not notice her before? 

"Your bagel. Now."

     Before I reply a thought comes into your head...I could use a chairwoman, and I bet this girl would be willing, as long as you give her that bagel. Honestly, it doesn't matter that she probably has no qualifications in anything to do with computers or technology, I can show her what she needs to do when my on your missions. You know telling you where to go and stuff.

"Hey, what's your name?"


"How would you like a job?"

"What kinda of jab?" she said suspicious but curious.

"The illegal kind that gets you bagels and somewhere to live."

"I'm listeeenin'."

"How do we say this, I need a woman in the chair and you might do if you're willing, and yes I know this is pretty....well really really random, but I have a feeling you'll be perfect for the job."

"Well, little miss prophet from above, I happen to be an excellent hacker," Bethany replied smugly.

" in?"

"You mean you want me to go live with a random girl who just broke into a bakery in front of me who is offering me bagels to work for her? YAAS DUH!"

"Wait seriously?"


"Wow, okay, come with me we got some work to do."

"I don't like work..."

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothin'."

Thanks for reading!

Btsuper out 

Actually, I'm not out I have no life.


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