Chapter Three: The Embarrassing Interaction

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  Leonardo POV

 Earlier on patrol, I could swear I  saw someone following us, although I can not  be sure since it was only out of the corner of my eye I should we should probably head back to the lair, Raph isn't going to be too happy about that, but if someone was following us it's best we head back. Not looking forward to this one..

"Um, guys I think we should be heading back now," I said expecting a big argument as usual.

"FINALLY IS FREEEEEEZING OUT HERE!" Mikey being overdramatic as usual, faking a shiver, but much to my surprise no one else complained. Well, that is a first! Not even any questions! Wow, it's nice actually having them not question me, the LEADER's orders for once. Guess it really is cold.

 With that, we headed back to the lair no questions asked. I think the person following us from earlier has stopped, or maybe they were never there, hopefully so.

Time Skip: Next Night 


 Finding their base of operations or wherever those turtles hide during the day would be a good place to start. There is in fact no way at all that they just chill around in plain sight during the day and risk being seen. They would be all over the news and having the police looking for you is about the last thing a mutant wants. In all honestly you are not even exactly sure what you'd be looking for in their lair, but even just knowing a little bit more about them will help, even if you can not find anything related to Bishop there.

 You sit on the cold, cemented floor of my warehouse and ponder of what your plan of action will be. After a couple of minutes, you decide you will simply have to search the city until you find them. When and if can find them you will place some sort of tracking device onto one of them... however you're going to do that. You may have to fight them to get it on unnoticed surely in all the action they would not notice such a small thing, right? When it comes daytime they should be wherever the stay by then so I will know the location for the following night when they leave assuming they go out jumping around rooftops saving silly woman for Purple Dragon thugs every night.

You make your way off the floor and over to a large metal desk and open one of the drawers pulling out a rather small black leather bag. You pack a small bag containing the tracker, a few smoke bombs, which took an eternity to make, and some night vision goggles, hey you never know what could happen!

 You pack a small bag containing the tracker, a few smoke bombs, which took an eternity to make, and some night vision goggles, hey you never know what could happen!

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 You then left the warehouse you lived in and headed for the closest tall building. You do not really feel like breaking in so you extend your claws and start climbing up the side of the building. As you were climbing up an office worker turned to look out the window in reaction you slipped and fell a few floors and then got your grip back with one hand and then pulled yourself back up. 

Hope they didn't see me, not that it really matters, to be honest.

Rather quickly you get to the top and start jumping from rooftops. It is necessary because you would be seen by just about everyone if you walked on the streets, but you enjoyed feeling the cold air on your face anyway.

After about thirty minutes of leaping off buildings and latching onto new ones, you saw those four turtles fighting things on another roof. This was your chance you just needed to find the opportune moment to place a tracker on one of the four.

You got closer and hide behind a large air vent on the same building. Okay, they were actually nearly done fighting so you would make your move soon, they were distracted fighting, but it would be difficult to get close while they were fighting so you decided to try and throw it one just before they left after they were done. Speaking of all the Kraang bots, it seems that's who they were fighting are all defeated so now's the time.

Just as you're about to come out from your cover something terrible, like really loud.

Well, my cover's blown, I would laugh if this wasn't a dangerous situation...

"  Mikey!"They all said at the same time looking pretty at the orange turtle, I'm gonna assume he's the silly one then and I now know he's called Mikey, interesting.

"Hey, it wasn't me!"

"We all know it was Mikey."The one in blue rolled his eyes.

"Who cares let's just go!"The red-clad turtle moaned.

"Seriously it wasn't actually me..."

I had no idea these guys would be so immature! I need some popcorn!

  Finally, you got bored of them arguing over your fart...yes you can't believe you actually farted on this serious occasion, so you came out from your hiding spot and too embarrassed to try and explain yourself you decided to fight them and place a tracker on one would be the easiest way to settle things.

You extend your claws and tail ready to fight when they realize you're about to attack the run at you weapons at the ready, weren't exactly expecting that so soon, but okay let's fight...


I got a little lazy with this editing, but hey at least I did it!...right? I mostly left the last half on the chapter alone because I did not want all your comments on the side of each paragraph to disappear so I just left those parts. Also that one part (you know what I'm talking about) was the best writing decision I've ever made. I stand by this, years later, still I wheeze.


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