Chapter Eight

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Mikey POV (Just so you don't get confused this is just after Y/N escaped the lair in Mikey's POV)

Ahh, she's so fast! How's that even possible?? I've been running for like two whole minutes already!  I'm never gonna catch her in like a bazillion years! I should go back to the lair and tell the others.

Time Skip: Two Minutes Later (because I'm lazy)

(M = Mikey

L = Leo

R= Raph

D = Donny

Y = Y/N

B =  Bethany)

M: "GUYS!" I say bursting into the lair.

L: "What now Mikey?"

M: "It's Y/N, I caught her in the lair and chased her out, but she was way to fast so I came back here to tell you guys! How'd she get in here? How does she know where the lair is? Why was she here? Maybe she came to steal the pizza! GUYS HAS ANYONE CHECKED WHERE THE PIZZA IS?!" Mikeys says in one big mouthful.

L: "W-w-wait slow down, what?"

M: " I said, Y/N was in the lair and I chased her out, and I was thinking maybe she came to steal our pizza, what if-"

R: "What?! You mean Y/N broke into the lair?!"

M: "Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what I just said, wait that is what I said right?"

L: "Hey, Mikey what's that on your shell?"

M: "What? There's something on my shell? Really? What? Where is it??? Get it off! Get it off meeee!" Mikey screams going round in circles trying to touch the back of his shell.

Donny comes over and lifts a very small electronic device off Mikey's shell and examines it closely.

P: "It seems to be some kind of micro tracker."

L: "That's how she knew where the lair was! Mikey how did she get that on you without you noticing? We're supposed to be ninjas."

R: "Yeah we are, but Mikey? No surprise she got it on him, I bet it's been there for days!"

M: "Hey!"

R: "What?"

D: "Um.... you two keep arguing I'm going to go see if there fingerprints or anything on this thing."

Time Skip: The Next Day


I grouchily coming out of my room to the main room where I see Bethany on a laptop, in a surprisingly tidy room.

Y: "Oh you actually tidied up."

B: "Yeah..."

I eye her suspiciously and ask, "So what are you doing anyways?"

B: "Oh I was just looking through the USB you brought back from the turtles' lair. Matter 'o fact I just finished looking through it."

Y: "And?"

B: " I finished talkin'."

Y: *sigh* "I mean was there anything useful on it?"

B: "Ye."

Y: "Well, what was it?"

B: "There was a file about their mutation, Lord knows why, but it said something about a vile of mutagen smashed and got into their systems, by accident. Here's the useful part, the vile said T.C.R.I. on it."

Y: "Kraang... I should've known."

B: "Huh?"

Y: " T.C.R.I. stands for Techno Cosmic Research Industries it's some kind of scientific corporation. I don't really know what goes on in there, but I do know it's run by the Kraang."

B: " Oh... don't really understand anything you just said, but what do they have to do with anythin'?"

Y: " I never really thought about it before, but now that I come to think of it...they could very well be the ones responsible for experimenting on me!"

B: "You were experimented on?"

Y: " Oh, yeah I didn't tell you. My parents were both murdered and I was taken and experimented on when I was young, by a man called Bishop, and that's all I know. How do you think I'm a mutant?"

B: " You're a mutant?"

Y: *laughs* "You didn't figure that one out? Yes, I'm a mutant, well half mutant. Anyway back to the point I was to avenge my parents obviously so I'm going to track down Bishop and make him pay, and he might be with this Kraang group."

B: " Okay that's all pretty cool, so what's da plan y'all?"

Y: "Break into T.C.R.I."

B: "You really like breakin' into places don't ya?"

Thanks for reading! I know I already updated yesterday, but may as well get all I can out before I forget about updating for three weeks, plus an adorable fan gave me a little motivation ;) Yeah I can't think of anything else to say, not really else to say, okay I'll shut up now see ya next time! Well technically I won't actually see you, but ya know, okay I'll shut up for real now.

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