Chapter Fifteen

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Music: Angel of Darkness (Nightcore)


I've been patrolling with the turtles for a few hours now, with Bethany on the comms telling us where to go. Bethany hacks into the NYPD radio so she knows where trouble is. It's much more efficient that way, instead of just running around all night trying to find the nearest place we're needed like the turtles seem to do every night.

So far we've stopped a few petty robberies, some muggings, you wouldn't believe how many of those there are and some foot soldiers. Not to mention a ton of Kraang patrols. The Kraang are probably looking for me since I escaped them and the turtles are catching there are way more Kraang patrols than usual. Now would be an example of that.

R: "Okay Y/N what's going on here? I don't think all the Kraang attacking us are a coincidence and I have a funny feeling you know why! So what is it then?"

Y: *scoffs* "And why would I tell you?"

R: "If we're going to have hundreds of Kraang attack us I think we have to right to know why."

Y: "They're not attacking you they're attacking me."

R: "We're here too."

Y: "True."

L: "Why are they after you Y/N."

Y: "It's a long story." I say, then realizing everyone's literally just waiting for me to explain I continue, "Look, long story short the Kraang had me and I escaped so they want me back."

L: "Had you?"

Y: "Yes, for experiments that are none of your business."

L: "Oh..."

Y: "Emotional sob story shared, we done?"

R: "Yeah."

Y: "Good." Just as the word leaves my mouth I see a grey van reverse into part of the alley we're in. The automatic doors open revealing a mutant or something of sorts. It has two long twisting horns and one huge eye, it's body shaped slightly similar to a human and it also had a long tail.

 It has two long twisting horns and one huge eye, it's body shaped slightly similar to a human and it also had a long tail

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M: "AH!" Mikey screams in one of his annoyingly high pitched screams.

L: "What is that thing?!"

All the turtles draw their weapons while the van drives away, just before the van is out of sight I see the 'T.C.R.I.' in large letters along the side of the van.

Raphael POV

I charge at the creature with my sais at the ready.

L: "Raph wait!"

The monster precisely dodges all of my angry attacks. I go to hit it again when it grabs my wrist, I try to hit it with my other sai but it just grabs my other wrist. This thing is way stronger than I thought! It pushes me with so much force that I go flying into a wall.

My vision is hazy, but I see my brothers attack the beast, but it throws them all off, one after another.

Y/N is jumping around shooting something from her wrist gun that seems to electrocute it, but it isn't doing much.

Only now I notice there is a lot of water squirting onto me.

Must've broken a water pipe with the force of being thrown into it.

My eyes widen as I see the beast charging towards me when suddenly I get an idea. As fast as I possibly can I bend the pipe, not having the strength to move, the pipe squirts out water at the creature. Just before it reaches me Y/N shoots it again. Let's just say water and electricity don't work well together knocking the creature out cold.

Y: "You're lucky I threw that when I did Raphie." Y/N says giving me a hand up. With a groan, I stand up, who knew standing up was that hard.

L: "You okay Raph?" Leo comes over.

R: "Apart from being thrown into a wall I'm doing wonderful Leo." I reply sarcastically.

M: "What was that skinny demon horned goat-human thing?"

Y: "I don't know exactly but in the T.C.R.I. database it mentioned he Kraang had facilities all around the world filled with mutant experiments, this is one of them. And I suppose the more of these mutant monsters attack us the closer we are to the mutagen bomb."

D: "How you figure?"

Y: "They're probably to help the Kraang in whatever their new plan is, the plan is this mutagen bomb, and guess who's trying to stop it? They'll be coming after us."

R: "Well, that's comforting."

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