Chapter Nine

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Music: Fallout Boy - The Phoenix


B: "So do we got a plan or what?"

Y: "I know where the T.CR.I. building is, I've just never had an interest in it, but since I do now I got an idea... Right so there are typically two Kraang outside the building doors, so I'll take one remove the piece of chewed up gum and bring the rest back so you can fix it up into a suit I can use to get in."

B: "Why do you need the suit? Can't you just walk in?"

Y: "Seriously I don't know how many of them could be in there, or what is even in there, so looking like one will make it easier to look around, okay?"

B: " OOOOOh that makes sense."

Y: "Yeah, so think you're up to it?"

B: "Yas! This is gonna be fun!"

Y: "I'm gonna get going then."

B: "Wait...why do we want to break in again?"

Y: *sigh*"Well it might be where I was taken to be experimented on."

B: "And why do we want to go there?"

Y: *facepalm* "You're a lost cause, I'm just going to go get the Kraang."

Leonardo POV

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Leonardo POV

I was out patrolling later than usual, I was a bit bored and the other had already gone bad. Having some peace for once is pretty nice, to be honest. I then see what appears to be Y/N carrying a...Kraang suit? while jumping from rooftops.

What on earth is she up to? She doesn't seem to have noticed me so I should probably follow her, see what she's up too.

I follow her for a while until she arrives at an old warehouse in the more rough part of town. She goes over to some kind of scanner at the front doors of the building, the automatically open and close behind her.

This must be her base...

I snoop over to the doors and examine the scanner, it seems to be an eye scanner from what I can tell, but I'm not sure. Well, I'm not getting in that way, maybe there's an old window or something I can see in to see what's going on in there.

I go around the building to find a window or something, this place looks so old I bet I could knock it over myself! There's an old window over here, but it's too dirty to see anything through when I touch it in an attempt to rub some of the dirt off I could swear the whole place looks different for a second, I touch it again keeping my hand on the window this time and it does the same thing. This is pretty weird it must some type of high tech to create an illusion of some old run down warehouse when it is really very highly protected. Donny would be interested in this.

Y: "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Well, this is just great! (sarcasm)

L: "Y/n."

Y: "Yay not that we've shared names what are you doing here?"

L: "Um.."

Y: "You know I do have cameras here, you can't possibly expect to waltz over here and expect to go unnoticed, especially with those ninja skills of yours...Well, lack of."

L: "Excuse me-"

Y: "Stop talking and just go already."

L: "You're just going to let me go?"

Y: "I could kill you where you stand if I wanted to, but I don't."

As if she could kill me just like that- wait what's that? I see a large turret on the roof pointed in my direction. How did I miss that?! It must be retractable or something.

Y: "Look I got things to do so if you don't mind leaving before Christmas that would be great. Now hurry up before I change my mind!"

As always thanks for reading everyone! I've done like three updates in a row, this is cool! I've got a lot of motivation recently to update so enjoy it while it lasts :)

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