Chapter 2: The Balcony

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I don't like how Lizzie is talking to Adam. She seems interested. I can't exactly blame her. That guy has the looks and the body to make any other guy feel inferior.

Rhea walks with me towards them. She goes to stand next to Adam and I take a protective stance next to Lizzie.

"I'm Adam," Adam introduces himself to me. "You are?"

"Newt," I say, shaking his hand. I feel slightly intimidated by this guy. He's really muscular, and could easily beat me dead. "I'm Sonya's Brother."

To make it easier for everyone, Lizzie keeps the name Sonya. Only I call her Lizzie.

Adam smirks. "I'm Amy's older Brother. I saw you talking to her."

Rhea glances between the two of us, sensing the tension, no doubt.

"Adam," She says cautiously, "be nice."

"So," Adam says to me. "Are you Rhea's Friend?"

I scowl, unable to help myself. "I'm her Boyfriend."

Everyone started calling me her Boyfriend, or her my Girlfriend. Neither of us corrected them. It's good to know it's official.

"Oh," Adam says, sounding slightly shocked.

"Uh," Lizzie says, looking at Rhea. "I'm going to go meet the rest of your family, Rhea."

Rhea nods and Lizzie heads off. Then Rhea pats Adam on the shoulder.

"Don't even think about it," She simply says, then places a hand on my back and steers me away.

"You okay?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I manage a tight smile down at her. "I'm fine."

Rhea gives me a small smile before leaving me and heading over to a young girl who's talking to Aris. Aris slings his arm around Rhea's shoulders, laughing.

I forgot how close those two were. When we got Rhea and Minho out of WICKED, they hardly talked because Rhea was, well, thinking of a plan to fake her death.

I head over to Tommy, who's talking to Dylan.

"I met you before," Dylan is saying. "You were a pretty big deal at WICKED."

"I regret what I did," Tommy says.

"I know you do," Dylan says, then turns to face me. "I take it Rhea has told you about your Sister?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Great. I should go now. Gosh, all the girls seem so interested in Adam," Dylan jokes.

Then he stalks off.

"You alright, Tommy?" I ask.

Tommy frowns. "These people are mad, Newt. They know eight freaking languages. They're shucking geniuses."

I look at Rhea, who's talking to Quill. "Yeah. It's pretty damn shocking."

Minho walks up to us. "So I just found out from Curtis that these guys are insane. I mean, really insane. They fight with each other. Bloodily. When their parents tell them to."

I blink. "What?"

"He means Junior fight," Amy says, walking up to us. She examines Minho, who stares at her with wide eyes.

"What?" Minho asks, his voice a pitch higher. I look at him, surprised.

Tommy, who stands on his other side, gives me a look.

"We fight. All of us Juniors. It's the only real challenge we have here," Amy says casually, flashing Minho a smile. "So we fight and see who wins."

Minho's pupils are dilated. "Fight? You can fight?" He asks, sounding shocked. "But you're so..."

Amy's eyes narrow and she raises an eyebrow. "I'm so what?"

"You're so small and- and pretty," Minho says, then blushes. The red on his face is really obvious. Amy smiles.

I laugh, whacking Minho on the back of his head. "Don't mind this bloody shank. He's a real shuckhead sometimes."

Amy looks at us quizzically before saying, "Sure. I'm going to see what Adam's doing." She flashes us one more smile which makes Minho's face even more red.

She walks off, and Minho stares after her.

Tommy and I stifle our laughter. Minho turns and glares at us and we burst out laughing.

"Oh my Gosh," Tommy says in between his laughter. "Minho's in love." He slurs the last word.

Minho scowls dangerously at Tommy and my laughing intensifies.

"Shut up, you two slintheads," Minho says.

Our laughter subsides, but we both wear childish grins.

"Where's Rhea?" Minho asks, looking around.

I search the room, but find her missing. Along with Aris. I frown.

"Guys!" Lizzie exclaims, walking up to us. "Have you seen Rhea and Aris?"

"I did!" Cyrus says. "She headed outside. Don't know why."

I run a hand through my hair, then walk out of the room without a word. I catch her turning a corner and I jog up, just to see her walking into a room. I walk in, since she left the door wide open. Closing the door behind me, I head to the balcony, walking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her.

I bring my head down onto her shoulder, and I hear her soft exhale.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"I'm just tired," she whispers. "I thought it'd be over, you know."

I lift my head, turning her around to face me. "It will be. We'll stop him. And then we can finally start a new life. I promise."

Rhea leans up to me, and I bring my lips down to hers, bringing a hand behind her neck, the other around her waist, drawing her nearer as her hands tangle with my hair.

The taste of her soft lips mesmerises me. I've never been drunk before, but I imagine this to be something like that.

When she pulls away, she gives me a small smile.

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