Chapter 8: Junior Fight

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The reason that I didn't want to mention the FRILL when planning was because I didn't want to freak Newt out. Besides, I never actually planned on using it. It was just a way to convince the Seniors that this plan could work.

I wouldn't dare risk Newt's life like that, and Janson knows it.

But for now, I need to let myself forget about all that. I need to focus on the Junior Challenge. In a way, I'm glad for the distraction.

"So we get to watch the six most deadliest teenagers in the world battle it out here?" Quill asks with a laugh. "This is going to be epic. Can we take bets?"

"If you're betting for me then you won't need to worry about losing money," Curtis winks at her.

Newt swings an arm around me, kissing the side of my head. "I'm betting on you, love."

I feel my heart rate pick up upon hearing the endearment, but I lean in to Newt anyway. Hopefully, when this is all over, everything will be fine.

Hopefully, we'll come out alright.

Dylan grins over at me. "You really think you can win?"

I roll my eyes. "I've dealt with Grievers before, Dylan. You guys are nothing."

Minho grins and reaches up a hand for a high five. I willingly give it to him, and Thomas laughs.

We enter the arena, which the Seniors have already set up for us. This one is a maze. A life size maze.

I scowl at the sight. It's made of concrete walls, and I wonder how long it took for the Seniors to get this done.

Are they trying to mock me?

I hear Harriet snarl. "Not cool," she mutters.

Quill shakes her head. "This should be in your forte, Rhea."

She may be right. I of all my cousins know best how to navigate through mazes, how to run in one and how to not lose myself. How to memorise the turns and the directions in which I'm going in.

There are six different entrances. One for each of us. Smart.

The seniors are waiting for us, Uncle Argus at the front.

"Well, find the entrance with your name on it. Your goal is to reach the other side. The first one out wins. But you will definitely come across one another. You know the rules. No large wounds, only cuts," Uncle Argus recites.

I kiss Newt's cheek before leaving to find my spot. There's quite the commotion as the Seniors and my friends head up to the stands high above to watch everything from the high ground.

I wait at my spot. I know that soon the bell would ring and we would have to run. To my right is Dylan, and on my other side is Adam. We aren't allowed to draw weapons until the fight has officially started.

The bell sounds, the ringing echoing around the arena. I'm off in an instant, entering the maze. The familiarity of it kind of unnerves me for a second, but I shake it off quickly, making my way through.

As I did before, I memorise the directions I'm taking, almost imaging Quill beside me shouting them out. It helps to know she's up watching me, probably muttering the right directions for me to take.

I pull out my dagger when I hear the sound of footsteps. I seem to be going good, because so far I haven't hit a dead end. But I'd prefer a dead end to one of my cousins.

A knife flies past me, hitting the wall in front of me, having just brushed past my ear.

I scowl, knowing that such perfect throwing is only accomplished amongst us by Adam.

I decide to get the better ground. I make a quick left and wonder if I can lose him.

It'd be a bad time to be backed into a corner right now.

I know that me and Adam have a 50-50 chance if we ever went up with one another in a fight. It's not a risk that I'm willing to take, especially in Junior Fight.

I need to find a way to outsmart him.

Luckily for me, Amy is the smart one, not Adam.

I turn a right, making sure that he sees me make the turn before I do. I press my back against the wall and draw out another knife, silently counting and listening to his footsteps. He makes the turn and freezes, momentarily confused.

I kick out at him and send him stumbling, one of his knives falling. I kick it away quickly and smash the butt of my knife into his head, making sure to only apply enough pressure to knock him unconscious. It probably wouldn't last long, but I just need him to get out of my way.

Adam sways, and I catch him before he can fall. I contemplate what I should do before dragging him back to the intersection. I take his fallen knife and put it beside him, then take off.

I don't meet any more of my cousins, but I do meet two dead ends. I can tell I'm nearing the other end of the maze. The turns are more straightforward.

Then I come across the twins battling one another. I know without a doubt that they'd team up to work against me the moment they see me. I quickly retreat and think of something to do.

It's too bad that I can't just toss my knives at them and incapacitate them.

It's then that Dylan appears. Immediately, he has a knife out. I hold up my hands in a peace sign.

"What do you say? Temporary truce?" I ask him.

He narrows his eyes at me. "The twins, I'm guessing?"

I nod, glancing over at them still fighting. "The moment we're done with them, I'm turning on you."

"Deal," Dylan quickly agrees.

We both take the right and are met with the twins. I let out a shrill whistle, causing both of them to freeze and turn to me.

"Why hello," I greet politely before charging at them, knives at the ready.

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