Author's Note

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Well, here we are. At the completion of The Hooded Girl Series. I know that some people have waited a long time for this final installment, and I'm really sorry for the wait. I just wasn't really ready to conclude The Hooded Girl. In fact, I released THG and TDG both in 2018.

I really want to thank everyone for getting this far in my fanfic. It really means a lot. To all those people who were asking for the final part in this series, you guys had a huge part to play in motivating me to conclude this series🙃😉

Also, I know that some of you were giving ideas and all, and honestly they were great. Unfortunately, though, I had already written most of the story and had the idea of how it was going to go. It was really great to read all of the theories and ideas, though😄😄

I hope you're all happy with the ending, and I also hope that you don't mind all the flaws in this book and the other two before it😂😂
Nothing's perfect, am I right?

Well, thanks you shanks. It's been a wild ride and a long one, too. But, obviously, above all, it's been a great one.

Once again,
Thank you for reading😄🙃

UPDATE [25/04/22]
So you guys that editing took waayyyy longer than expected. Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. I got a little busy and had to pause, and after that it was near impossible for me to start up again. Sometimes I have a bad habit of leaving you guys hanging, and I'm so so sorry for that.

Well anyway, I'm gonna make it up to y'all. Tell me, do you guys want a chapter on how things are 10years from where we've ended or something? Please, feel free to comment and tell me.

I really hope you guys enjoy this edited version of the entire series, and I really hope I fixed some of the more problematic issues within the book.

Thank you guys for coming this far, and thank you for all the support. You guys are literally the best.

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