Chapter 13: Staff Fight

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I stand on the balcony with Newt, staring out at the beach in a distance away from WICKED's Australia headquarters. Newt leans his elbows against the rail, watching the waves of the sea.

"So?" I ask, wondering why he asked me if we could come here. Not that I don't want to spend time with my brother, but it's strange that he'd choose this location.

A small smile rests on Newt's face as his blonde hair blows around, as untamed as the wind. "I just wanted to spend some time with you before tomorrow."

I smile over at him, straightening. "How's everything with Rhea?"

Newt exhales slowly, turning to look up at me. He, too, leans away from the railing, straightening as he brings his hands into the pockets of his windbreaker. "Good. Better than ever, since she's not, you know, planning her own murder."

I laugh, remembering that I was actually in on the whole plan. "That's nice. I'm glad that you're so happy."

Newt's expression turns sombre. "I'm just scared that something might happen, you know? That tomorrow something will go wrong, that we won't be able to get them out of the building in time."

I reach out, taking his arm, giving him what I hope is a reassuring smile. I have to admit that I, too, have that same fear, but if I know anything about Rhea, it's that she just refuses to die.

Even more so now, when she's just beginning to realise that she isn't just a shadow. That she matters, and that we care about her.

"Don't worry, Newt," I tell him, "you'll always save her, just like how she'll always save you."

Newt shakes his head. "I couldn't save her the last time she died. Well, almost died."

"That was different," I quickly say, "you weren't... in the right mind."

Well, he was slowly turning into a Crank, but I don't need to be that straightforward.

Newt's lips curl up into a wry smile and his chocolate brown eyes meet mine. "Yeah, maybe."

I can tell he isn't exactly convinced, but I have something else that I want to talk to him about. I bite my lower lip, wondering how I should phrase this.

Finally, I just decide to say it outright, "Newt, I think I like Adam."

Newt freezes for a second before turning to me, a smirk on his face that surprises me. "You think?"

I blink, shocked. "You're not mad?"

Newt rubs the back of his neck, the sign that shows that he's nervous. "To be bloody honest, I was at first."

"What changed?" I ask, perplexed.

Newt shrugs a little. "Rhea convinced me that Adam wasn't that bad of a guy earlier."

I grin. "Of course she did. Newt, you're so in love with her."

Newt chuckles breathlessly. "I bloody am."


With nothing to do after Newt left me at the balcony, I go to the training room, not really feeling tired yet. I'm too filled with nerves for tomorrow, and the newfound revelation that I like Adam is taking over my mind.

I make my way to the bo staffs. I start twirling it in my hand, focusing on the constant motion of the bamboo staff.


I startle, grabbing onto the bo staff and stopping it mid twirl as I spin around to face Adam. He stands in shorts and a white v-neck shirt, watching me with his dark blue eyes.

"Adam," I say, ignoring my racing heart. I force out a shaky smile, feeling my palms get sweaty. I probably look like an utter mess now, sweat dampening my hair and breaths harsh and quick. "What are you doing here?"

Adam smiles, walking up to me and taking his own bo staff. He spins it, getting into a fighting stance across from me. "Challenging you to a fight, apparently."

My brows raise. I've heard Rhea compliment Adam on how fast his reflexes are, and no doubt he's strong and much more experienced than I am.

Yet, I can't pass up the challenge. It must be because of how popular challenges were back in the Maze. Of course, Quill and Rhea held the most ultimate battles, but I had my own wins.

I tilt my head to the side, trying not to stare at him for too long. "Apparently so."

I lunge without warning, but he sees it coming, easily deflecting my blow.

I jump back, but quickly swing, remember Quill teaching me to never let my opponent get the upper hand.

Two years of training back in the maze comes back to me, and I start hitting harder, anger suddenly flooding through me. Before, I never had time to think of the Maze, because there was the Scorch, and then there was WICKED. But now, all those suppressed emotions and grief are rising up, and it's making me angry. I can't lose anyone else.

It makes me sloppy, I know, and Adam does too. His brows furrow as my attacks get faster, more misplaced.

I don't care. Every blow I land on him, I say out a name in my mind of someone I knew who died.

Alex, Anastasia, Rachel, Natalie, Cassandra, Joanne, Jennifer.

I keep striking, not sure when I'm going to stop.

Finally, Adam strikes me at my leg, and I go falling backwards, my back hitting the ground. I'm panting, breaths coming out in frantic puffs. My face is probably red, and my eyes are tearing. I quickly bring a hand to my face, shielding my eyes as I try blinking back the tears, wiping frantically at those that have already escaped with my other hand.

"Sonya?" Adam asks, and he sounds concerned. He's kneeling down beside me, and I push myself to sit up.

"I'm fine," I say, surprised at how steady my voice comes out as.

"No, you're not," Adam says, gently taking my wrist. He slowly pries my hand off my face and meets my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I take in a shaky breath, trying to stand. Adam holds me down though. My gaze flickers everywhere but to his face. Now is not the time to act like a fool. "I'm just remembering things. I'm sorry. Let's go again."

"No way," Adam says firmly. His other hand reaches up and takes my chin lightly, lifting my face so that my eyes have to meet his. My heart rate increases under his intense gaze and complete attention. "Sonya, you don't have to hide with me. I don't want you to hide with me."

I take in a shuddering breath. "Really?" I ask, my voice coming out as a whisper.

"Really," Adam answers with a small smile.

It's then I realise that our faces are inches apart. Stupidly, I let my eyes flicker down to his lips.

I don't know who leans in first, but suddenly our lips collide and I let out a little gasp as my hands go behind his neck as his go around my waist, drawing me to him.

It's a heated and sweaty and messed up kiss, but I savour it's anyway, because I know that this is what I want.

We separate, me gasping for air and him looking rather surprised.

"Did we just-"

"Yeah," he says, a wry grin on his face. "Come on, let's go another round. If I win, I'm getting another kiss."

He stands, winking at me, and stretches out a hand to help me up.

I pick up my bo staff and stand without his help, smirking, though my heart is hammering and my brain is all messed up trying to comprehend what had just happened. "Careful, Adam. I may just let you win."

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