Chapter 4: The Conference

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The Conference requires proper attire for us Juniors. It depends on ranking of position in the family, mine being the highest. My Father had the highest position, and though he's dead, it's still tradition.

I left Newt's room earlier, careful not to disturb him or Minho.

My room is big. It's huge, actually. My bed, a whole room for clothes, a bathroom, a study, bookshelves, everything. I have new clothes in my wardrobe, custom made to fit me exactly.

I go in and everything's colour coordinated. There's even a weapon shelf behind. There's combat shoes, gloves, scarves, socks, regular shoes, leather jackets, coats, jeans, leather pants, pants, blazers, everything.

I pick out the attire set on the hanger, black pants and a black blazer, as well as a black shirt. I'm in all black. I don't wear gloves as I can't, but I keep my boots on.

No weapons are allowed, but I slip a pocket knife into the inner pocket of my blazer.

Bringing my hair up into a quick ponytail, I grimace mentally at the constraints of my attire, hating how Aunt Rebecca felt the need to choose out every piece of clothing for me.

I walk out of my room at exactly six thirty. It's customary that us kids arrive earlier. Dylan, Adam and Amy are already ready.

I nod good morning to them.

Adam wears a light grey suit that fits perfectly. Amy wears similar clothes to mine, except hers are grey as well. Grey representing the fourth highest, of course.

Dylan wears a navy blue suit. Second highest.

The thing about Dylan and I is that we've always been alone. Amy and Adam have each other, there's the twins who also have Cyrus, and Jenny has her parents who care a lot for her. But Dylan and I are independent and lonely, so we usually stick together during these conferences.

Dylan looks tense. We all are. We stand at the corridor together, not saying a word, waiting for the others. Trevor and Curtis come out together, wearing identical champagne coloured suits. Third rank.

We do a quick appraisal of each other, and then as if we all were connected, we let out a heavy breath at the same time.

"Let's go," says Dylan.


We sit at the Conference Room, around the circular table. Our seats are made specifically for us, our colours on them and a gold plate with our names on it. We take our seat. I really hate my seat. It's beside my father's. I feel as if I'm actually really close to him.

Seven comes way too quickly, and us kids stiffen. Only Cyrus and Jenny aren't here. They don't come for Conferences. Especially important ones like this one.

The door opens, and Uncle Argus enters first, Aunt Corrine right next to him. They both wear champagne coloured attire, like their sons. Aunt Rebecca comes in next with her navy blue dress. Then it's Uncle Wilson and Aunt Rachel, wearing grey. Then Uncle Henry and Aunt Olivia come in in their white suits-sixth rank. Lastly, it's Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Iris in the dark green suits of fifth rank.

Everyone takes their seats slowly.

There's silence for a moment, and as quick as a second, I realise that being the highest ranking now, I have to start the Conference.

I straighten my spine and my face goes blank.

"I want to start this Conference with an important piece of news," I say slowly. "I wanted everyone to be around to hear this, but not the two kids."

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