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One year later
Newt has a hand over my eyes as he leads me into our new house. He had chosen it and did all the arrangements. I was more than happy to let him take charge, especially since I've been busy myself finding people who could possibly help Thomas at the Council.

Until now, the both of us had been living with Thomas and Minho at the Council Tower, where we had guest rooms mostly meant for staff.

It was nice, but we both wanted a house of our own.

"Are you ready?" Newt asks me, and I can hear the excitement in his voice.

I smile a little. "Definitely," I tell him.

Newt removes his hands from my eyes, setting them onto my shoulders as I take in the house. Somehow, I manage to hold in my gasp.

It's gorgeous, really, with a very outdoor cosy feel, the nice fireplace, the grey rug and the wooden panelling. There's red and white couches and fake plants all around.

How Newt managed to get ahold of all this, I'm not sure. All I know is that I absolutely love it.

"Do you like it?" Newt asks, and I hear the nervousness in his voice.

I turn around in his arms and pull him down by his shirt for a kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love it," I mumble against his lips. I feel him smile as he deepens the kiss.

He pulls away, though, smiling cheekily. "Come on, wait till you see our room."

He takes my hand, leading me up the wooden stairs. We reach the second floor and he opens one of the doors. It reveals a large master bedroom, with a king sized bed in the center and a bathroom attached to it. The walls are a light grey in colour, which is refreshing, the floor made of parquet, and there's even windows with curtains drawn back.

I make my way to the window, and looking out, I can see the Council Tower, where I know most of our friends are.

"It's perfect," I tell Newt, as he goes and sits on the edge of the bed.


I smile, going over to him and standing in between his legs, leaning down to kiss his lips as he brings his hands to my waist. "Yeah. How did you get this done, anyway?"

"A little help from Amy and Tessa," Newt admits, smiling.

I shake my head, twirling a lock of his hair in my fingers. "As much as I'd love to stay here, we need to go to Quill's for dinner."

Newt groans, tipping his head back. "Nooooo."

I laugh as he pulls me onto his lap and kisses me again.

"Can't we just stay here?" He asks.

I smile wryly. "Not really."

Newt holds onto me, still, though. I let myself relax against him, not wanting to leave for Quill's house, too.

Suddenly, Newt says, "Marry me."

I startle, pretty sure I heard wrong. I lean away from him to get a good look at his face. He looks both uncertain and yet determined. "What?"

Newt meets my eyes with a bashful smile. "Marry me, Rhea. Lizzie told me I'd have to get down on a knee and give you a ring and all, but it didn't feel right." He takes a deep breath, and I feel as if I'm not hearing things correctly. "I love you, Rhea, you know that. But marry me and make me the happiest person alive."


"If you want, I could do this formally, get on a knee and all that bloody ridiculous things," Newt says, and I can hear his anxiousness building up.

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