Chapter 7: Planning

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The older Juniors along with those coming to destroy WICKED sit at the table.

At the moment, we're studying the layout of the WICKED base in Denver.

"It's a building," Amy says, "so obviously we only need to take out the bottom levels. But that's the easy part, right?"

Rhea nods, her black hair falling into her eyes. It's tied in a braid now, but several strands have managed to escape. She seats between Dylan and Tommy, and clearly the three of them are the big planners here.

Rhea brings a finger to the blueprints. "We'll need to figure out where we want to set the bombs, though. And we need people to see the WICKED is being taken down. The berg can help in that."

"We're going for a public statement?" Trevor asks, brows raised.

"It's the reasonable thing," I say, looking up from the blueprints and at the Juniors, who have gathered together. "Let the people see that WICKED is gone, that they aren't in control anymore. They won't believe it otherwise, since bloody WICKED has been in control for so long."

Rhea flashes me a grateful look. "Exactly," she says, "that's why we need Brenda and Jorge. I'm pretty certain that they'll be able to broadcast WICKED's epic fall from the berg."

"Damn right you are, girlie."

We turn and see Brenda and Jorge come in. I don't miss the smile that Brenda shoots Tommy. Rhea gives them both a nod of acknowledgement.

"Glad you could make it," She says, and Jorge and Brenda come and take a seat at the round table.

"Thanks for the invite," Brenda smirks.

Dylan taps the blueprints with his index finger. "This still doesn't explain how we should evacuate all the people."

"We threaten them," Quill says easily.

Everyone turns to her, surprised, except Sonya, Harriet and Rhea. In fact, they seem to be considering it.

"Threaten them?" Minho repeats. A slow smirk spreads on his face. "I've gotta admit, it'd be good to be the scary ones for once."

I'm reminded painfully that Minho and Rhea were abducted by WICKED just a month or so ago and tortured.

"Well, then, we should split up into three groups," Rhea says, meeting my eyes briefly. I flash her an encouraging look, and she continues on, "One group-consisting mostly of the Juniors-should place the bombs on the basement floors. Another group will confront Janson and the rest of the Board. The last group will be in charge of evac."

"How will you divide us?" Lizzie asks.

I suddenly feel fear that something might happen to her. Or even Rhea. Or any of us. We've come so far. If any of us died now, I don't think I'd be able to take it.

Rhea glances at me, almost as if sensing my irrational concerns. It's a simple Mission, after all. But nothing is ever simple with WICKED.

"Curtis, Trevor, Minho, Quill and Dylan will deal with the bombs," Rhea says, and the twins mock salute at her. "Sonya, you, Harriet, Amy, Adam and Newt are in charge of evacuations. Thomas and I will confront Janson and the Board."

I don't like the idea of being away from Rhea, but at least I'll be able to look after Sonya. Not that Rhea has that much looking after needed, but it would be more reassuring to be able to make sure she's safe.

"When will we leave?" Minho asks from his seat beside me.

"Two days from now," Rhea answers instantly. "Tomorrow is the Junior Fight. Take it as a practice or something. We will also prepare tomorrow. Those in evac would need to be able to study these plans and discuss amongst yourselves where you'll situate yourselves at. The others tasked with the bombs will need to establish how many bombs you'll need. And Thomas and I need to come up with a pretty convincing threat, especially for Janson."

Minho snorts. "As if a building coming down on him isn't threatening enough."

"He might shoot them before that happens," Harriet states bluntly.

Rhea's jaw clenches. "Thanks, Harriet. Well, we need a way to stop this before Project Genesis occurs."

"What exactly is that?" Lizzie asks, brow furrowed.

"Janson is going to recreate the world," Adam answers her, running a hand through his hair, "take the people in bergs and let them watch as he unleashes waves of destruction onto the earth. A 'cleansing' of sorts."

Just the thought of it is horrible. They wouldn't be able to get everyone up onto those bergs. There'd be casualties, and it wouldn't be a small number.

"That's bloody crazy," I say, and I see the horrified look on Lizzie's face.

"When will they do it?" Tommy asks urgently.

"I'm not sure," Rhea confesses, "but we need to act fast because of it. So, let's get planning."

We all separate after that, into our three groups.

As we get to planning, I have a feeling that things won't be as easy as they sounded.

After all, when are things every straight forward when it comes to us lot?

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