Chapter 5: Training

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After we eat breakfast, some of us are called into Level Forty Four. Everyone is confused. We all manage to pile into the elevator somehow.

Newt, Minho, Thomas, Aris, Harriet, Quill, Teresa and I wait in silence in the elevator, shooting each other confused looks.

The elevator doors open up to a huge space, filled with training equipment and weapons.

There's multiple obstacles, ranging from monkey bars to rope swings to pole climbing and archery ranges and sword machines.

The range of weapons is ridiculous. Boomerangs, swords, double bladed swords, knives, daggers, axes, guns, bows, whips, discuses, darts, hammers, staffs and all sorts of other things.

"Holy sweet goodness," Quill whistles, and I'm reminded that she used to be in charge of the weaponry in our maze in the past.

This is literally her forte.

"What is this place?" Minho says in shock.

It's then that I see that the Juniors-including Rhea-are all actually training inside. Some are jumping over obstacles, some are swinging from ropes or poles and some are flinging knives. Everyone is everywhere.

Even Cyrus and Jenny are fighting each other. With very sharp and very real weapons.

They Juniors all turn to the sound of Minho's voice, though.

"They're here!" One of the twins say. Adam lands in front of us, having jumped down from a rope. I find myself staring at him, the sweat on the sheen of his neck, his white t-shirt sticking to his skin.

Amy saunters up to us, and beside her are the twins. Rhea and Dylan land together on the ground from up above us, where there is a highly more challenging obstacle course that is all off the ground and in the air.

"Well," Rhea shrugs. "You're here to train. What do you want to learn first?"

"I thought Amy wasn't going to train us," I say.

Rhea nods. "She isn't. She's here to practice for Junior Fight. And she's watching the kids."

"This is where you train, huh?"

Rhea grins. "Minho, you'll love this place. There's this area meant to help you simulate your attacks against anything. All sorts of weapons you can pick from."

Minho smirks. "So what are we doing?"

Rhea glances behind her at the equipment. "The upper levels are strictly restricted. It's advanced training, way too strenuous for your beginner stages."

"Beginner stages?" Quill sputters out.

Rhea smiles ruefully. "Sorry. What I meant to say is you guys are still weak from the whole fiasco a week ago. Until your energy is restored and you've regained your form, the upper levels are restricted."

Minho smirked, bringing his hands to his hips and nodding over to the weapons. "Well? What's the agenda?"

"We start with form," Adam speaks up. "It's the most important. Balance and agility."

"Adam, you're on watch out," Dylan speaks up, "twins, you two deal with the equipment. Me and Rhea will train them."

Rhea shrugged. "I'll take the girls. Dylan you fine with all the guys?"

Dylan flashed a thumbs up. "I'll get Adam's help, if anything."

Rhea gestures to us, and we girls make our way to one end of the training facility. In front of us are a few simple looking obstacle courses, not unlike those that we did in the Maze.

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