Chapter 3: Minho's Situation

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That night, we gather downstairs for dinner. Rhea is seated between Newt and Dylan.

"Maybe we should give your friends classes, Rhea. As in training. Combat training," Argus says. "Just in case."

Rhea looks up, seemingly startled. "You want them to train in combat?"

"I don't see why not," Rebecca answers. "We know that when you escaped from the maze, Ava had taught you Latin, this year's language. You took your final test there but you haven't completed your academics. Nor have you completed your combat training as well."

"Only Adam has," some adult says. "The rest of you have yet to turn eighteen."

The Juniors nod, almost mechanically.

"Either way," Argus says, "you'll be having lessons along with Dylan. I don't see the harm in teaching Group A, B, C and D combat training. They need to learn to defend themselves. Especially now."

I open my mouth to say something but my eyes catch Rhea's and she shakes her head, warning in her eyes.

"Who will train them?" Rhea asks, though she seems as if she already knows the answer.

"Not your professional Trainers, of course," a man says. "You Juniors will train them. Well, just the twins, you, Dylan and Adam. Amy is too young, and Jenny and Cyrus as well."

"Of course," Rhea says, and there's a sardonic note in her voice that makes me smirk slightly.

"The Conference is tomorrow," Argus says. "We can discuss training schedules after. In three days, we will hold the Junior Fight. You all will start training by tomorrow."

The Juniors all nod silently.

"We're placing bets this time," Rebecca says, a sly smile forming on her lips.

Rhea's eyes seem to gleam with mischief. "There's only going to be one winner here, Aunt Rebecca."

Dylan leans in, smirking . "And it's going to be me."

Curtis rolls his eyes. "In your dreams."

"You can dream as well, Curtis," Trevor says.

Rhea scoffs softly, shaking her head. "Don't get your hopes up, either, Trev."

Amy laughs. "How about we all just wait and see."


Nighttime comes, and I'm watching as Rhea talks to Amy, Adam and Dylan. I catch myself staring at Amy, only to tear my gaze away when I hear Newt start to laugh.

"My Gosh, Minho. Your bloody pupils are dilated," He says, nearly wheezing.

I scowl at him, feeling my face heat up. "Look me in the face and tell me that that girl isn't hot."

Newt shrugs, wiping away the tears in his eyes, chuckles still escaping him. "Rhea's better."

I roll my eyes and Thomas grins. "Go talk to her," he shoves me gently by the shoulder. Not enough to push me forward, but enough for me to shoot him a look.

"Talk to who?" Harriet asks, coming up to us, and I let out a groan.

Maria is at her side, eyes wide with interest. "Amy?"

"Minho's got it in for Amy, alright," Frypan chuckles, joining in.

I glare at them. "You guys are all shuckheads."

Newt laughs, patting me on the back. "Good luck, you bloody shank."

Rhea approaches us. She's alone this time. Her cousins are gathered together separately across the room, talking in low whispers.

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