Chapter 25: New Beginnings

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Six months later

I walk up to Thomas, clapping him on the back. "Good job, Tommy," I say, really proud of him. The speech that he made was great, and with the team he's got, I have no doubt that they'll be bloody brilliant.

Rhea walks up to us, Andrew and Tessa by her side. "You ready to see your new office?" She asks, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Thomas laughs, "Hell yeah."

Minho comes up, too, arm slung around Amy, who is now his girlfriend. It's a pretty recent thing, but I'm happy for the shuckhead.

"Do I get an office?" He asks.

"Of course you do," Rhea says, leading us up the building.

It was constructed pretty quickly, with the help of the Seniors. Though they were unwilling, when they saw the footage of Thomas confronting Janson, they realised that they probably couldn't get the support of the people any more. Especially when people started advocating for Thomas as a leader (which of course was a thing that the Right Arm helped in). So obviously they did the next best thing-they threw their support behind us.

Thomas decided that he wanted his office to be in Denver, where our Maze is. Lizzie had joked about turning the Maze into a theme park, which kinda freaked Minho out.

He'd go in sometimes, though, since all the Grievers are gone. Amy even went in with him before, and I've gone in a couple of times with Tommy, too.

The girls, too, went to their own maze. They claimed that they were repurposing it, and Tommy let them have it. Especially since Quill is in his board, and so is Aris.

After destroying WICKED, the Juniors and the rest of us gathered around to discuss who was going to help in the rebuilding efforts. Of course, all of us would be working to help Tommy, but Tommy wanted a group of people specially working with him, to handle different things.

Amy volunteered to be Thomas's head scientist, and Teresa also wanted that position. Tommy ended up making both of them his head scientist.

Andrew is Tommy's assistant director, and helps with most of the paperwork. Aris is in charge of people relations or something funny like that. Quill volunteered to be the manager, and Tessa is in charge of finances. Minho and Dylan are both working as head of Security and Military or stuff like that. The Right Arm work with them to keep peace around the area.

So that's the team-the eight of them form the Council.

As for the rest of us, Sonya didn't want to be part of the government, instead saying that she wanted to help those people who were struggling out there. She's already planning on setting up shelters and has asked for Thomas's permission to build up several temporary apartments for them. Of course, Adam is helping her.

As for the twins, Trevor is willing to help along, especially since Quill is part of the Council. Curtis, on the other hand, wants to explore the world, look for people who could be of help to the Council.

Jorge and Brenda are with Sonya on the whole "helping people out" thing, which Aris funds.

Frypan told Thomas that he'd work as professional Chef in his kitchens, but Thomas still refused to give him a seat on the Council. Either way, Frypan is happy where he is.

As for Rhea and I, we're both going to just settle down, help out wherever we can. I think Rhea has her mind set on fixing WICKED's old mistakes, going around and righting the wrongs of her parents. We've only talked about it briefly, but whatever the case, I'm ready to support her in any way that I can.

We reach the tenth floor, which is the highest level. There is a glass door in front of us, and Rhea gestures for Thomas to open it. He pushes it open and walks in, us following behind.

My eyes widen at the gigantic office. There's a nice desk, and a rack of guns, which I'm pretty sure is Quill's idea of a joke. There is a large sitting area filled with couches and a soft red rug. There's even a television.

Minho whistles. "You expect him to work in this place?"

Rhea looks amused as Thomas goes straight to the leather chair behind the desk. He sits on it and rolls around the table and to us. I kick out at him and send him rolling across the room.

"Hey!" Thomas yells as Minho and I both laugh.

Rhea shoots me a look that says "really?". I just grin at her, and she can't hide the smile that grows on her face. A smile that softens her eyes and makes her look younger.

"Well, the rest of your offices aren't as big, and you definitely don't have a television, but they're all pretty comfortable," Rhea says.

Andrew whistles. "Good luck working here, Thomas. I'd be distracted all day."

Thomas heads over to where the island is, where glasses of wine are lined up in fancy looking bottles. "Well, am I allowed to drink?"

"Technically, you're underage," Rhea states.

"Oh have some fun, Rhea," Andrew teases.

Rhea smirks. "Don't worry, Drew, you're not gonna be drinking for another three years."

"What?" Andrew exclaims, and I snicker.

Amy comes over and shakes her head. "This reminds me of my parents' office, except less serious. You can put pictures around, Thomas. It'd look nice."

Andrew claps his hands together. "Okay, enough. There's a party waiting for us downstairs!"

"A party where you're not allowed to drink," I put in.

Andrew glares at me, and Rhea laughs, coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Come on," she says.

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