Chapter 24: The Island

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When the berg lands on the island that Rhea had transferred the Seniors to, there's a group waiting for us.

We exit the berg, Sonya holding Adam's hand, Curtis and Trevor grinning together. Minho, Newt and Thomas are together, looking the most free I've ever seen them.

The rest of the Juniors are together at the back, and Rhea, Harriet and I walk side by side. Jorge, too, comes down. Brenda lands in her shuttle craft, and Jorge runs over to her.

Meanwhile, we're greeted by the Seniors, Group C and D, Cyrus, Jenny, Teresa, Aris and the other two girls, along with Frypan.


Rhea's brother, Andrew, runs up and engulfs Rhea in a tight hug. I leave Rhea's side and go over to Aris, giving him a tight hug.

I see Cyrus running to his brothers, the twins, pulling them both into a hug. Amy and Adam go to their parents, and Dylan to Rebecca.

"Made it all out in one piece. I'm glad," Aris laughs, pulling away and smiling at me. His eyes move past my shoulder, though, and when I turn, I see why. Harriet approaches us, a large smile on her face.

I grin, moving away. As I walk past Aris, I whisper to him, "Go for it, A."

I greet Maria and June, too. They're both grinning broadly, hugging me tightly.

I return to Rhea's side, where she's talking to Teresa, who stands in shock.

Newt comes over and swings his arm around Rhea's shoulders. "There's a girl in the berg that needs medical attention. You think you could help her?" He asks Teresa.

Teresa nods and hurries into the berg.

I sigh, feeling adrenaline pumping in me still. I can't believe that it's finally over. My eyes, somehow, meet Trevor's. He's staring at me, and his eyes widen slightly when I catch him, but then a grin fills his face and something soft enters his eyes. Something that makes my heart race.

"Come on," Rhea says to me, and I tear my gaze away. "Let's have that party."

It's late at night, and we're all hungry. It's a good thing that Group C and D helped Frypan prepare a massive feast for everyone in this safe house place.


Everyone spilled out onto the outside garden of the safe house on the island for the party. There are strictly no alcoholic drinks, but Trevor and Curtis managed to find an old radio or something, and somehow got it to work. There's loud, blaring music playing through some speakers.

I sit with Andrew, back against a tree, looking over at where everyone is. We're a distance away from the party-near enough that we can still hear the music, but far enough that no one will disturb us for quite a while.

"So, what do you plan on doing now?" I ask him.

Andrew shrugs, drawing his knees up to his chest. "I don't know. I guess I never thought we'd actually be out of WICKED, much less have WICKED completely destroyed."

I smile a little, sighing softly. "How do you feel about working with Thomas?"

Andrew turns to me in surprise. "What do you mean?"

I shrug. "Thomas is going to need help and all. I think you'll really fit in. You're a born leader, Drew. And Thomas is going to need the help. Maybe even from Tessa."

Andrew exhales slowly. "Wow. I'll need to think about it."

I nod, patting his knee. "Take your time. It'll be a while before we get things running."

Andrew grins wryly. "Yeah."

We sit there some more, and I see Tessa in the distance, laughing with her friends. I also see Andrew watching her with bright eyes.

A dance is struck up, and people start pairing up, all seeming giddy with happiness from where I am.

"Come on," I tell Andrew, standing up. I grab his arm and haul him up with me.

"What are we doing?" Andrew asks skeptically.

I grin. "You're going to ask someone for a dance."

"Woah- Rhea, no," Andrew stammers.

I spin him around and take him by the shoulders. "Andrew, the world is healing now. It's rebuilding. You don't have to be afraid of getting the girl. Go on."

I shove him to Tessa. He stumbles a bit, but rights himself quickly and bows grandly to Tessa. I see Tessa blush and accept his hand.

He pulls her onto the dance floor, where Quill dances with both the twins, and Adam and Sonya laugh as Adam spins Sonya around. Harriet and Aris are there, too, simply moving in circles with their arms around one another, grinning as they speak to one another. I spot Brenda and Thomas, and Teresa and Dylan there too. Even Frypan is there, dancing with Maria while June cheers at the side. I notice Amy and Minho, on separate ends of the garden, though.

Newt comes up beside me, looking at Minho. "What do you think?" He asks me.

I laugh a little as Jorge takes Aunt Rebecca onto the dance floor. "I think that if my aunt can get a dance partner, Minho can too."

Newt grins, taking my hand and pulling me over to our friend.

"Minho!" I call.

He turns to us, and I link my arm with his, dragging him around the garden. "What's up?" He asks, looking confused. "Shouldn't you two be dancing? You're like, couple of the year or something."

Newt snorts, and I roll my eyes.

"Minho, what's stopping you from going for Amy?" I ask, stopping us a distance away from her.

Minho frowns. "Rhea, we've already talked about this."

Newt shakes his head. "Why don't you go and give her a dance, you stupid shank. You're gonna regret it otherwise. Don't think I haven't seen you staring at her from where you are."

Minho opens his mouth to protest, but I quickly cut in and say, "Minho, give her a chance."

Minho sighs, and nods. "I'm coming to you two if I get my heart broken."

I squeeze Newt's hand and smirk. "We'll have ice cream waiting."

Minho leaves and heads to Amy. They talk for a minute, then Minho draws Amy into a dance, Amy smiling radiantly.

Newt turns to me, a smirk on his face. "Well, love, what do you say? Care to honour me with a dance?"

I shake my head, smiling as I accept his hand and he drags me onto the dance floor. The music changes to some upbeat tune, and we all start making circles, drawing together and separating into smaller groups.

Some time between the dances, I lose Newt, but Minho finds me, and we laugh as he spins me around, passing me over to Aris. I go from Aris to Thomas and then to Dylan, who is laughing his heart out. I even dance with Cyrus, and turn to see Newt and Sonya laughing as they spin around one another.

This freedom, I wonder if it's ever going to go away. Then I push that thought away as the twins both come and we make a circle.

Everything's slowly working out now. And if problems come later, I know that I have my friends and my family, to help me.

I finally manage to make my way back to Newt, who is both breathless and grinning.

Yeah, it'll be alright.

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