Chapter 2

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I followed Joshua through the streets. He was a fast walker though that made sense. He clearly had a couple of centuries on me.

I finally broke the silence. "Why is everyone staring at us?"

"It could be because you look funny." Okay, that one was a joke. "Or it could be the fact that they let you be an Angel." Oh, that one stung.

"But actually they are watching because there hasn't been a new angel since Jesus died. Perhaps also the fact that you have been assigned to me." He finally answered my question.

"Is there something about you? Are you like the worst teacher or something?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I am the best or was at least. I trained the last angel who happened to leave this place, he had a rough ending to his story."

"Well," I began. ", I died so I'm taking that as a rough ending already. How bad of a teacher could you really be?"

He said nothing as we walked. He led me out of the building area, up another hill to a piece of fabric held up by a few poles. The scene was simple yet still beautiful. He told me to sit down under the shelter.

"Now," He began. "There are four types of angels: Messengers, Invaders, Healers and lastly, Attackers.

"Messengers are the Angels that do the Lord's bidding. They bring gifts of life and miracles to mortals. They take mortal lives when God says so as well as bring orders for all the other Angels everywhere. These Angels have powers that aren't limited to their jobs, so they can have any power they are capable of. However, they are the fastest Angels ever to exist.

"Healers are Angels that have beautiful, soothing, powerful voices. They usually work in the gardens of Heaven but also live in his world, bringing beauty to it. Their voices breathe life into plants and can heal other Angels in case of times of battles. Their power lies in their voices. With just a word they could heal armies.

"Attackers are warrior Angels. These aren't meant to attack but more for defending Heaven and Earth. They are trained to defend Heaven from attacks from Demons or other things. Attackers are sent to Earth to eliminate those who dwell in the land of humans. Their powers can rage from elemental to cosmic power. Controlling fire or water or having death in their touch, etc.

"Finally, Invaders. Invaders are Angels that are tasked with infiltration. They can be asked to infiltrate Hell to figure out the plans of Demons, or they can infiltrate Earth. Most don't think Demons plan but it is true that they do. There they learn the way of humans to report back, the movements of Demons on Earth and etc. In this case, they often stay long periods of time on Earth and become attached. This then leads to Fallen Angels, who have their powers stripped away or demigods. Other than that, Invaders can have the powers of all the groups combined as well as unique ones."

To say I was following would be an understatement. I already knew all of this. It was like I had obtained this knowledge by reading it somewhere.

"Now," Joshua continued. ", those are the types of angels. These are the kinds. There are nine kinds:

"The lowest is the Angels. These are basically the entry level to Angels. They are usually messengers and at a maximum, only have one power. They are those closest to God's creation.

"Above them are the Archangels. These aren't fallen Angels. They are the most famous and the generals of God's army.

"Then comes the Principalities. They guard cities, nations and those who rule them. They protect them from Demons and their kind.

"Next, the Powers. Powers are the balance keepers. They want everything to be, well, balanced. They are normally there to counter fallen Angels. They are Angels of Birth and Death, given the task of taking someone's life but also bringing it forth.

"Virtues are Angels of Grace. They are also messengers that bring miracles to humans. As the stereotype goes, they are the most heroic and courageous Angels. Their wings often come in the shade of metallic.

"Number four on the list, Dominions. They can be any kind of Angel and are our bosses. They make sure we do our jobs and if they catch you doing the opposite, they cast you out of Heaven.

"Number three, Thrones. Thrones are watchers like Dominions, they watch us. They are said to be fiery wheels but actually just have the power over fire. Stereotypical actually.

"Number two, second closest to God is the Cherubim. They guard Eden on their chariots. Why they use chariots if they have wings is beyond me. Oh, that reminds me; they have four wings and faces. They can have any power but have a limit to the amount they use at the same time.

"And closest to God, number one, is the Seraphim. No one can look at them because they radiate pure light. No one but God knows how they look. Their job is to make Heaven work, make sure that it runs smoothly. The most infamous fallen Angel, Lucifer, was said to be the most powerful Seraphim ever.

"Those are the kinds and types of Angels. Pop quiz now! Summarize everything."

"Okay." I instantly said. "Four types of Angels. Attackers are the fighters. Invaders are for recon. Messengers carry out God's orders. Healers have healing voices. They all have their types of powers that suit their jobs."

I inhaled. "There are also nine levels of Angels, the highest being the closest to God, the lowest the furthest. The highest is the burning ones, Seraphim and the lowest is Angels."

Joshua nodded. "Excellent."

"Now," I rubbed my hands eagerly.", when am I getting my wings?"

"Yeah," Joshua scratched his head. ",about that..."

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