Chapter 9

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I watched as Eistibus closed the door. I couldn't go inside but that didn't stop me from reeling on his teacher.

"How could you do this to him?" I finally asked.

For better or worse, Joshua looked the latter. His shape was not bettering as he got older and immortality was not benefitting him.

"It was beyond my control." He said quietly, looking me dead in the eye.

"Do not patronize me. You could've refused, but you brought him here anyways." I argued back. Light flickered through the cracks of Eistibus sanctuary. The light of God.

"Do you see what they think of him? They think he's a demon!" I shouted. Joshua shook his head as if trying to block it out.

"He is a demon, Armaros! He has something dark within him. Can you not feel it?" Joshua shouted. The godly light flickered, and I could hear Eistibus yelling. "Can you?"

I stared at him as I heard a body falling behind the door. I shook my head and summoned my chain-like hair. Joshua's eyes widened as he took in my power.

Angels had three phases. One is a mixture between our human form, and our powers like when my hair was visible. The stage after that was known as the Release: when our wings were present. The final phase was when all our traces of humanity completely disappeared and we became pure power. This was when we were completely angelic.

Joshua grumbled as he summoned his sword, a pure white, thick blade made entirely of bone, out of nowhere.

"You do not want to do this." He warned. I wrapped my chains around my hands.

"I will since I have to." I fired back just before Eistibus came flying through the door. He landed with a thud between us, but he was quick to his feet.

He glared at the doorway where Josh stood only he had changed. Half his hair had turned crimson, his before bandaged eye was now uncovered and surrounded by a red, scarred tissue.

Eistibus growled again and he released his final form. His head formed multiple orbs circling around each other. A disc floated above his shoulders where a galaxy colored cape hung. His body became a mixture of blue and green with a golden orb floating in the centre. He wielded a staff too.

"This is my true form, Demon! Let's see if you can take me now!" The voice came from the same place but the source was uncertain.

I looked at Joshua and he mimicked Eistibus, summoning his true form. He became a human encased with bone armor. In place of his stomach his body melted away showing just his spine.

I looked back at Josh in the doorway. He was still human, he wasn't an Angel yet. He didn't have a pure form.

But I did.

I could only imagine what I looked like as I released. Purple and frail, chains around my body and many hands that reached just above and around my feet.

The four of us looked at each other, three pures and one that was half human, half something else. On two different sides...

And with that last thought, we charged at one another.

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