Chapter 5

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"Get up, Newbie!" Someone kicked me awake. I opened my eyes and looked at my teacher, standing over me.

I begrudgingly sat up as he eyed me over. "What are you wearing?"

I looked at my clothes. Instead of the beige cloth that I had on yesterday, I had a white shirt and a tracksuit pants on which I don't remember putting on. I don't even remember going to sleep.

"I don't know." I shrugged and stood up. "What are you doing here, anyways?"

He rolled his eyes. "My job, kid. Come, training begins now."

Soon, we were standing in an adjacent arena. We had taken so many turns that I had no idea where it was but I knew we were still in Alto.

"As you can see this is an arena. In this arena, Angels can use it to do different training activities. Learning how to fight with their wings in tight places, etc. Today, you'll be doing a series of activities to find your power."

Good luck with that. That thing suddenly said, his laugh following. You have nothing without me.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of his laughter. Good luck getting your powers.

"So it's really complicated. Ten Angels will be coming at you at full force, and you'll have to try to defend yourself." Josh said, a little too. "And here they are now."

My head spun to the other side of the arena. Decked out all around the arena like an intro scene were ten Angels. I never thought I would use the word mean to describe Angels but these ones looked mean. Mean and strong, stronger than me.

"Alright begin!" Josh shouted.

Again my head whipped towards Josh. "What? No!"

My head whipped back to the Angels, who were barreling towards me. They were moving so fast that I could barely see them and I could barely see the first punch.

Again, instinct took over as I blocked the punch but the force had enough power to send me skidding backwards.

The man laughed. He skin was a deep bronze, giant fists connected to bulging muscles. He continued laughing when I slammed into the arena walls.

"My name is Kushiel..." The rigid one popped into my head. "...Newbie. Remember to thank me when this is over."

Another Angel, female this time, appeared on my left and kicked me further than Kushiel. This time I skidded on my butt instead of my feet.

And that's how it went. Female and male Angels alike punched and kicked me. Some I blocked, others fractured my bones and drew blood. Finally, Kushiel delivered the final blow, sending me flying and landing hard in the middle of the arena. So hard that I coughed out blood.

"Stop." I cracked, clawing my way away from all of them. "Stop."

Josh watched on as I crawled. I noticed Armaros in the shadows watching me suffer. Both said nothing.

"He seems to be at his limit." A sultry voice said. One of the Angels.

"Just one more should do it." Kushiel pushed. I turned to see him slowly approaching, with a silver blade in his hands.

He ran and jumped, twirling his weapon and bringing it down on me. I waited for the snapping of my bones, but nothing came.

I opened my eyes to see Armaros standing above me, one of her wings shielding me from the blade.

Her wings.

They were massive, almost triple the size of me. They were a combination of bright and dark shades of purple and red. If she moved, they would resemble the horizon when the sun is setting otherwise they looked like blood.

"Enough. Can you not see he cannot take any more?" She shouted. Kushiel and all the Angels stepped back, some of their faces slacked with awe. Even Josh looked stunned.

Her wing shrunk back into her. She looked at me, her eyes flickering with an emotion that I thought I'd seen before. She held out a hand.

Then she wasn't there instead replaced with the fire demon. His humanized figure was becoming increasing detailed, taking the shape of a teenager this time.

Isn't nice being the punching bag of the Angels, huh? He smiled or at least I thought he did. Do you want power?

I didn't nod and he didn't wait as he crouched closer. Then you'll have to take it, Newbie.

Then I was back next to Armaros trudging through Alto, the arena out of sight. Everything was sore, but the pain faded to the back of my mind. Front seat was him.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I answered, short with nothing else. "You were watching."

She hesitated. "I was waiting-"

"-for what happened last night?" I finished, remembering my little battle with her, it coming back to me. She nodded.

"But it didn't." She said. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

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