Chapter 3

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"What do you mean I'm not getting my wings?" I complained as we walked back to the city, Alto as I'd been informed.

"Wings are like a degree." Joshua explained. "You don't get them unless God makes you an Angel."

"How does it feel to get them?" I asked. Like everything else, Joshua didn't show any emotion. He didn't even seem to be particularly proud of being an Angel.

"Very, very painful." He finally answered, silently. "Some wonder if it's really a blessing, the pain makes you think it's a curse."

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. "Do you have wings, Joshua?"

He didn't answer as we entered Alto.

The second time entering the city, I paid more attention to the details. Looking at the different buildings, I felt a sense of familiarity as if I'd seen them before. I realized if I graduated, I might be able to see where all this may have come from.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. The hundreds of Angels I had seen before were now gone.

"Like I said before, there hasn't been a new Angel since Jesus died. That would mean every other Angel graduated already." Joshua answered. "God requires each Angel to train an hour a day. When you came, it was the peak hour so everyone was here. Otherwise, they go back to their jobs and homes in Heaven. Because you are new, you'll live here alone."

Alone. Alone?

I didn't know if I had thousands of friends when I was alive, a family but I recently died and now I was going to be alone. I could already imagine the depressing thoughts.

"I guess this is goodbye then?" I asked.

He nodded. "Tomorrow we'll start your training. Rest up. I don't recommend exploring."

Then he was gone and I was left alone. I looked at the door he had left me at and entered it. Inside, there was nothing. Wooden floors creaked under my steps. The walls, I assumed were made of marble, shined brightly where the sun hit it.

Albeit simple at first, it was incredible lonely and depressing. It was extremely quiet. I wondered if this was what it was like, life without technology nor possessions. Laying on the floor, alone with nothing around me I became awfully aware of nothing. I am nothing.

This was Heaven. This was Alto.

I looked at my hand, surprised to see it shaking. Somehow I knew it had always been there even before I died. Suddenly, the light dimmed and the room shook, just for a moment before returning to normal.

"So you are the new Angel?" A voice came from the doorway. I rolled over to see a beautiful girl standing in the doorway.

My eyes scanned over her, but her eyes grabbed my attention. They weren't the same color. Both were shifting constantly, never matching and never the same color. Dark brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. She stood in a sleeveless grey top, the tail end draping behind her. She also wore a grey tracksuit pants.

"I thought no one came down here after their hour?" I didn't bother standing up. I mean I'm just a newbie, right?

"This is my hour, Newbie." Great, a terrible, cliché nickname. It didn't help that I had just thought about it. She squatted in front of me. "My name is Armaros."

"The Angel of Undoing." The words tumbled out.

Her eyes widened. "How do you know that?"

Confused, I asked. "Know what?"

"No one knows the title of an Angel unless that Angel has said it to you," She explained. ", but you knew my title just by me announcing my name."

I shrugged, but I knew by her voice it was a big deal. As she stood, I jumped up. Compared to her simple, casual clothes, I looked poor. As well as her undeniable beauty, well...

"You never told me your living name, Rookie." She sported a small smile.

"Joshua, Joshua Zayke." I answered. She nodded.

"Have you given any thought for your Angel name?"

"Angel name?" I asked.

"Your master should have told you this." She shook her head. "When you officially become an Angel, you get to choose a new name. This represents the end of your change; you leaving your previous life behind and taking his mantle."

"For Angels that are born in Heaven, it's optional. If they want a new identity, don't want to be connected to their family for whatever reason; they can change their name or keep the one they got."

I nodded, not responding. I guess a new name wasn't the worst game. Joshua wasn't bad but I'm sure there were others.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Newbie. Some other time maybe, we can find out how you know my title." She flashed another small smile before turning and leaving.

As soon as she left, silence and darkness enveloped me. I imagined something here, something to give this place a bit of light.

Immediately, small fires erupted all over the wooden floors.

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