Chapter 11

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There is never an appropriate time to fight with your inner whatever especially when fighting an angel. That conclusion was quite obvious when Eistibus dove and tackled me.

Fire collected on my fist but it was weak compared to before. Probably because he was angry at me.

My fist connected with Eistibus face. He fell and swiped at me with his wing. My skull hit the wall hard leaving me dizzy as Eistibus took flight. He then dived and pushed me through a dozen of walls, each one hitting me harder and leaving me in a worse state than before.

With my groggy vision, I saw that we were gaining altitude. I struggled to inhale with Eistibus choking me and the oxygen getting thinner the higher we went.

"I heard about your power or should I say powers. That it changes everytime you enter a fight?" Eistibus laughed, smug enough to know that I couldn't fight back.

Now? He asked me. I saw the thing inside me sitting, comfortable, waiting for me to submit.

And submit I did.

Give me the stupid sword, I grumbled. He chuckled.

I told you, you have to go fetch it.

Of course.

I brought my legs to my chest and kicked Eistibus away. As I fell, I twisted midair and swiped the air between Eistibus and I. Immediately as if a bomb had been detonated, an explosion propelled us even farther apart.

I didn't have time to figure out my landing, a blunt end hitting my shoulder blade. Instantly, I could taste metal as I blacked out.

Moments passed as slow as the clouds moved.




My eyes snapped open as a guttural war cry filled my ears. Eistibus was once again dive bombing, closing in for the kill.

Instincts took over and I rolled, grabbing the blunt thing that had knocked me unconscious and slashing upwards. Eistibus roared, something massive and floppy landed on me.

I won't lie, I panicked. I thrashed and tried running but eventually the fleshy thing fell on me.

Wait, Fleshy?

I turned and looked at the tip of an angel wing, Eistibus wing. I turned towards Eistibus and confirmed that indeed it was the end of his right wing, which was now slowly burning with black flames. Angel feathers flew crisped and burnt, barely making it to the floor before disintegrating.

I lifted the blunt object. The sword that he had told me to find was now resting dangerously in my hand.

Listen to his screams, he said, smugly. The sword is special, able to kill anything with just a swipe if wielded by the right person that is.

It seems you didn't slash him right as he has not died yet, he laughed as I glared at Eistibus. He was screaming, begging God to save him. It seemed like the dark flames were actually eating at his holy essence.

I propped the sword up and braced myself before using it as a clutch to stand.

Yes, use it as a tool, I felt him rolling his eyes and a small smile grew on my face. I climbed through the gaping hole with glass littered around it.

Name it, He said quietly after a long time as I walked down the street, trying to figure out how I was going to make it back to Heaven. Name the sword.

I looked at the blade. It was half the length of my body and single edged. It was dark just like the flames that were killing Eistibus. That being said, I couldn't hear his screams anymore.

I tried searching for a name but like my memory, there was nothing. Unlike common objects and Angel names, I didn't remember anything before my time in Alto. And yet, as I stared at the blade, a name burned bright in my mind. Something vague yet still extremely familiar as if I've seen it thousands of times.

"Draco." I said quietly, with a smile as warmth spread through me. I felt him smile too. He gave a little chuckle as if I had said something funny.

Then I will be Harry.

Harry and Draco, huh?

I stopped as the road dipped, showing the skyline of the settlement below me. Suddenly, I didn't need Draco as a crutch anymore. In fact, a new name took aflame in my mind but before I could say it aloud.

"Josh," A voice said from behind me. I twisted, Draco raised. A beautiful woman stood behind me, a sad smile on her face. Behind her, a beam of godly light rose to, presumably, Heaven.

I focused my attention back on her. She had the same complexion as me, a sharp nose and deep brown eyes. Her lips not too full yet not to small either, her hair together in strands falling down to her waist.

Compared to Armaros, she was beautiful but in a different way, of course.

"Leliel, Angel of Night." I identified, not afraid of hiding my ability. Somehow, I felt home. This place...

Leliel's smile faltered for a second. "I've been assigned to retrieve you and the wounded angel. I'm afraid you have to return to Alto now, Josh."

"What's the light behind you?" I asked, instead of obeying. "You're a Seraphim, I presume?"

"And so are my friends." She answered. Lights like Leliel's appeared all around me except beings of light stepped out, instead of people. "Come Josh; God awaits."

I sighed and looked past her, back to the settlement. So beautiful and familiar.

I stepped into Lesliel's light as I ascended, I finally said the word that was continuously burning.


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