Chapter 23

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My dream started much like many of my other visions, with me somehow knowing it was from the past.

I found myself walking on the bustling street of a city. Well, when I say myself, I mean I watched myself walk. I guess this is what they called an out of body experience and I didn't like it.

For one older or younger me did not ooze any sort of confidence whatsoever. His wardrobe choices were retched for some reason matching a leather jacket with a bright, pastel yellow shirt. His face was covered in acne scars, his hair braided in small strands over his eyes and his mouth set in a mischievous smirk for no one in particular.

Okay, I guess the latter hasn't changed.

I turned my attention to the foreign city. Unlike Chicago, the place was more open, less aggressive and definitely less windy. Near the coastline as I could smell the salt in the air.

I ducked into an alleyway as my past self did the same, effortlessly navigating the alleyways as if it was his backyard. This could be my home, I thought but then why was I so nervous? Why was I so eager to get to a place that could make me feel like that?

Dream me stopped at a door, sandwiched between two buildings and covered in shadows. Yet the door was brand new. I could tell that much. A sleek, untouched wooden door rather an old fashion if you ask me. A symbol was etched over the doorknob, a sort of loop like those ribbons they give to support diseases and cancer and such.

The symbol glowed the same kind of yellow as my shirt before opening. Nothing seemed behind the door but more darkness, but dream me smirked and entered without hesitation. Instead of following, the dream melted around me shifting to what I could only assume was the room dream me entered.

The room was lit in an ominous red while dozens of people chatted and chilled around tables and sofas. Music softly played in the background where a bar dished out drinks like a well-oiled machine.

And me...whoa!

Old me had gone through a massive transformation. His acne scars had, impossibly, disappeared, his hair pulled back in a man-bun and his horrible yellow shirt now white, reflecting the red light. A loud whoop went up as people recognized my face.

Perhaps this was my home.

People began to walk up to me, welcoming me as if I had been gone for a long time. Now, I know I'm a guy, and I guess a young one (?) too but these people were hot. I mean from what I've seen (Angels, Demons, one human) all people were good looking. Julia, the mysterious girl from my past, Naamah...


But these people looked amazing, shimmering under the red lighting and egotistical as it sounds, I didn't exactly look out of place either.

"Josh! Back again so soon?" A large man yelled from behind the bar and immediately everyone laughed. The vibe in the room was so pure that even I couldn't help smiling.

Dream me, Josh, held his arms in a what-can-you-do gesture and made his way to the man. The party kicked off again but I noticed many stole glances at Josh as if he was someone important. My mind tried wrapping around what was happening but it just couldn't.

"It's almost time. He'll be glad you made it." The bartender whispered over the music and chatter.

Josh nodded, absently playing with a straw. "There wasn't a possibility I would have missed this."

More and more people were streaming into the room, but few stood out. They weren't exactly partying like the others rather waiting like Josh was.

Then the bartender gave the slightest nod to no one in particular. The few that stood out began to move to another door which I had yet to notice. The crowd parted around them but other than that gave them no notice.

Josh followed suit, the bartender accompanying him.

We entered a smaller room that was exactly the same as the first just...smaller. Sofas hugged three of the walls with a small table covered with drinks occupying the fourth. A single red light hung in the middle barely lighting the edges.

Josh didn't seem the least bit concerned as he plopped down on the nearest sofa. Including my dream self there was five biblical beings in the room. I could tell that much.

Even when I was alive...

Then a sixth entered and the chatter stopped. He swept around the room, greeting every person individually until only Josh was left.

He stood to greet the man.

"Always a pleasure to meet one of the bosses." Josh shook his hand as I leaned in closer. "How's Hell been, Mammon?"

Mammon? Boss? The words rolled in my head until everything clicked.

My past self worked for the Mammon, the demon of greed and one of the seven princes of Hell.

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