Chapter 12

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"Haaa!" Joshua charged and brought down his sword, but I sidestepped. I swung, and my chains caught his face.

Fighting Joshua was one of the few things that angels considered taboo. It wasn't just his history nor his ability with the sword; it was the sheer force of his power. On appearance, it didn't seem angelic at all, rather demonic. With shadow ravens constantly exiting his body, one had to be weary of his sword and those birds.

Even now as I fought Joshua, my mind was split between blocking his swords and swinging my chains to block his ravens.

"Where's that bravery now?" He asked as he stepped inside my guard. I quickly twirled and a grunt came from Josh as my hair whipped him.

"Where's your nerve?" I fired back as I advanced. My mind had completely split now, my chains acting as if they had a mind of their own but I knew I was subconsciously controlling them. "You forgot who you're fighting, Joshua."

He grunted and charged once more.

The next few minutes were a blur of movement; Josh jabbing and slashing with his sword, me grunting and my many hands punching him, his ravens screeching and diving at my weak points, my chains clinking as the deflected every dive and countered by killing the ravens.

Besides that, our own unique energies were eating at each, fighting their own battle. Suddenly a POP blew us apart. All that was heard was our heavy breaths which should have been there.

Angels weren't allowed to fight in the realm of God unless for training purposes but even then you can't unleash everything. But because we were so close to the edge, the limitation didn't really apply here and that meant two powerful angels going at it.

We both waited to see if the other would charge. His ravens had been greatly reduced but more was appearing as the seconds passed. If I didn't finish soon, I would have to pull out that...

But before either of us could decide, a beam of light flared between us. "I think that is enough now, isn't it?"

From out the light, a woman stepped out and I immediately hated where this was going.


I never trusted the Seraphim angel. Whether it was out of jealousy or the fact that Leliel seemed to be God's go to for almost everything. I had run into her a few times, and I regret all of them. Well except once.

"Get out of the way, Leliel. This isn't your place." I ordered but she just smiled politely.

"The subject of your quarrel is no more." She stated. My hands and chains drooped as well as Joshua's sword.

"Don't you dare!" I hissed out, stalking towards her. My form melted away until I was just human again but that didn't stop my anger from taking physical form. "There is no way Eistibus-"

"Eistibus was defeated." She interrupted. A CLANG rang out, Joshua's sword had fallen and he had dropped to his knees.

"No, no, no, no, no. That's not possible. It isn't possible! Eistibus is full fledged angel." He was rambling now, losing himself as the situation was quickly becoming a replica of the past. "He couldn't be defeated by a trainee. His a flipping Throne!"

"Indeed, a peculiar situation. Come with me." She said, turning back towards her beam of light.

"Wait, where are we going?" I shouted after her.

She shouted over her shoulder. "To see what actually happened down there."


The first thing I noticed was the screaming. Deep, guttural screaming. When my eyes adjusted to the dark room, I didn't like what I saw.

Eistibus laid, his sheets disheveled and his chest glistening with sweat. He was in between forms, only one wing out and it was in bad condition. Half of it was gone, burnt off.

But I was happy, happy that this Throne had been defeated by Newbie though what he exactly did was still a grey area.

"What happened to him?" Josh asked, now in human form but still carrying his bone sword.

"Your student did. Quite remarkable." Leliel answered. Josh turned and stared as Eistibus rolled around.

"What's happening to him?" I asked.

"Something happened during the fight that is eating at his godliness." She answered again. "That which keeps us angels is being burnt, taken from him. He did this."

Silence fell until Joshua asked. "Where is he now?"

Leliel turned back towards us. "He is being graduated to a Dominion."

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