Chapter 26

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I took my place next to Isabel, handing her the second sandwich from my favorite place, Capri Express.

We were parked outside, on the corner of 114 Burr Ridge Pkwy, watching the moon in its full glory on the hood of some old tricked out Nissan.

I took another bite out of my sandwich.

"I give you a massive decision and the first thing you do is buy a toasted sandwich? You're insane." Isabel whined, but I didn't hear her complaining about the sandwich I had bought her.

"It's not so nice, now is it?" I mumbled. "I have had too many bombs dropped on me today. I'm hungry. What are you gonna do?"

"I'd prefer to drag you to hell. Even when you were alive, you still had a habit of annoying me."

"You're welcome." I smirked, earning what I hope was a playful glare.

"They're coming." I thought aloud. "Armaros, Joshua, Eistibus and all the others are on their way."

"I could call the others if you are afraid. It is only natural." She offered but I shook my head.

In the distance, a beam of light rose from the center of the city. It had been there for our whole meal and yet we hadn't made a move towards it. I could sense them there. Angels, at least half a dozen, were waiting for me.

I crumbled the Capri Express bag and tossed it in the trash. "Who's there? I can sense them but can't identify them."

"That chick, that paid you a visit this afternoon and someone else. Someone older." Isabel confirmed. I didn't need to go all that way to know anymore. Josh and Armaros were waiting for me.

"Let's head over there then I'll give you my answer." I didn't wait for her reply as I slid into the passenger side.

It took us a long time to make our way to the centre of the city. I had forgotten how much I hated mortal traffic. No wonder I had walked so much when I was...well alive.

Not a word was said. I had expected persuading, pushing from Isabel to dive into hell head first but nothing. So I figured she was giving me time to think.

Millinium Park, McCormick Tribune Plaza & Ice Rink.

I didn't remember much about it which made me wonder if I had ever been here before or if my memory was still coming back. It didn't matter as much as I watched couples and parents skate gingerly, hand in hand. Elders sat on the sidelines along with tired parents taking a break on their midnight dates, watching as a steady number of people streamed in and out.

In the centre of the rink, three people stood without skates staring right at us.

We stopped at the entrance.

Eistibus grunted. "He brings his demon pet with him."

"Show some respect." Joshua warned before bowing. "It is always an honor, Queen Isabel."

I raised an eyebrow at Isabel before focusing on the odd trio. Last I had seen, the two angels were at each other's throats and Eistibus was at mine.

Joshua's hair and beard was trimmed short, his eyes somewhat resembling a glass window that was glued back together. To his right, Armaros stood in black fatigues, her multicolored eyes changing to darker colors the more I studied them. Only Eistibus looked the same as before; stringy black hair, cruel smile which seemed permanent on his thin face.

"Now I understand you two but why is Eistibus here? I figured you'd still be seething from your Demon debacle gone wrong." I smirked as I remembered how confident he was calling me a Demon. That, unfortunately, constitutes as good times.

He mirrored my smirk."You may have bested me there, but I was still right. Look at us! One side, Heaven. The other, Hell and guess what side your standing on?"

"We're here as the final party, Nine." Joshua interrupted. "If we do not persuade you then, when the sun rises in half an hour, Heaven will descend. Make your choice, J-Nine."

"Well let's see..." I faked pondering over the choice as if I hadn't made my decision already. But standing there in front of all of them, I knew I was further than ever before from making it. "Surrender to an army of angels and never find out about my past? Or descend into hell and find out my past? Which one is better I wonder. Oh, wait! The latter which doesn't involve an ARMY AFTER MY ASS."

Joshua took a step forward. "You know what awaits you, yes?"

I mirrored the action, the ice cracking beneath me. "You were so focused on training me not to become like Lucifer, you didn't realize you were recruiting the situation all over again. Only difference is that one was thrown out of Heaven. I will leave it."

"Enough of this!" Eistibus stepped in front of Joshua. He stuck his hand out, the air bending around it and pulled out his staff. "You may not be a demon but you owe me a rematch, Dominion!"

I reached over my shoulder. The comfortable grip of Draco in my grasp instantly. "Isabel...Only interfere if necessary. If it isn't, stay out of the fight. They are all mine."

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