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I woke up, tired as usual. I got up from my bed and picked up my phone. I walked out to see dirty plates on the counter top. Great. A messy one, huh. I saw that the blondie was gone, so I made myself some breakfast. I made some pancakes, then went to sit on the sofa until I heard a knock on the door. I sat my food down and went to open the door. I saw my girls standing in the door way.
E- Hey girls, come on in
They followed me to the sofa and we sat down while I finally started to eat my pancakes.
E- Soo, what you guys doing here?
T- We wanted to see who your roommate was
A- Girl or guy
I made a sad face.
M- No.
E- Yep
S- Aww hope their not too annoying
E- We haven't even talked, he's quiet but he is messy
A- What do you mean
E- He left his plates out on the counter tops this morning
S- Where is he just now
M- Yeah I cant see him
E- I don't know to be honest, all I saw was that he was a muscular blonde guy
A- Hm
Then the door burst open revealing my roommate and other guys.
Girls but Erika- BABY!?
Guys- BABE!?
I saw them all run to each other and suck each other faces off. I fake puked. Hehe.
A- What ever Rik
E- *giggles*
A- Anyway, babe what are you doing here
J- This is my dorm
A- Oh really!
J- Yeah
The kept kissing until they finally finished. We were talking but I was not really at all.
A- So introduce your selves, especially you babe, your roommate doesn't know your name
J- I don't know her's earthier!
A- Still
J- Well, I'm Jake
C- Chance
K- Kade
An- Anthony
E- Rik
A- Sooo
I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go and get it, when I opened the door, the person I saw brought tears to my eyes.
B- Hey Bebe!
I hugged the shit out of him. I was crying tears of joy, we walked back into the living room.
E- Guys this is Blake
Guys- Hi
Girls- We know him
E- Oh well
B- Hey
I pulled him to the sofa. We were all just talking until Tessa asked if we all wanted to go out for Lunch/Dinner because now it was 4:30. We all agreed to go so I got changed into this.

Me and the girls were all waiting on the boys to come and pick us up

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Me and the girls were all waiting on the boys to come and pick us up. When they finally got here, we headed off.

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