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While me and Jake were chilling on the couch it was getting darker. I checked the time and it was 11:30 pm.
E- Bubba, it's 11:30 so imma get some rest
J- .....
E- Bubba?
I looked at Jake to see him asleep. I laid back and finally fell asleep.
The next morning
I woke up to the smell of bacon. I instantly got up from the sofa and looked in the kitchen to see Jake making breakfast. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
J- Morning beautiful
E- Morning baby
I peck him on the lips and we both smile at each other.
J- How much bacon do you want?
E- Can I have 2 strips please love
J- Of course babe
I walk over back to the couch and wait for Jake to bring our food over.
E- Thanks monkey
J- No problem cupcake
I look at Jake and smile. He has a slight smirk on his face, I love him. I hear a knock on the door, so I hop up to go and answer it. I see Alissa standing in the door way.
A- Hey I'm here for Jake not for a backstabbing bitch
E- Excuse you, I think your the true backstabbing bitch in this situation
A- How, I said sorry
E- And I didn't accept it, now bye bye
I closed the door on her face, I was now in a bad mood.
J- Love who was it?
E- Alissa *rolls her eyes*
J- What did she want?
E- She wanted you

J- Why would she want me? I've told her before to leave me alone and that I have found someone else

E- I know, lets just continue where we were

J- Ok princess

I take Jakes hand and walk over to the sofa. I lay down and he lays between my legs. He hugs my waist as I play with his hair. As we are watching the tv, I get a text from a random number. I pick up my phone and go on my messages.

?- I will find you, and I will have you

I started to panic and Jake defiantly noticed.

J- Beautiful, you ok? Whats wrong?

E- I g-got a t-text

J- From who?

E- I d-dont k-know

J- Baby its ok, just relax, let me see

I hand Jake my phone. He reads the text and looks at me with a smile.

J- It's ok love, nothings gonna happen to you

E- I love you bubba

J- I love you too princess

I peck Jake lips until we hear the door bell. I look at Jake sacred but he just smiles and hugs me. He gets up and goes to the door. I hear shouting so I hide under a blanket. I hear someone running to me so I quickly run to my room. I hear more shouting and loud things coming from outside. I then hear the door close and everything go silent. I hear a knock on my door and the soft voice belonging to Jake.

J- Princess, its me, you can open up

I ran to the door and opened it, I looked up to see Jake with a bloody nose and a burst lip. I run to him and hug him tight.

E- Bubba are you ok?

J- I'm fine princess, don't worry

E- Let me help you get cleaned up

J- Baby I said its fine

E- Come on

I took Jake to my bathroom and told him to sit next to the sink, thats what he did. I cleaned his lip and cleaned up his nose. After I had finished we looked at each other and smiled. Man, I love his smile. I kissed his lips and he kissed back. We walked back out, I saw blankets everywhere, pillows on the floor, glass everywhere and scariest of all, there was blood on the wall. I saw Jake pick up a broom and start sweeping everything up. I started to pick up all of the pillows and blankets off the floor. I then saw Jake putting the glass in the trash can. I decided to grab a cloth and wash off the blood stains from the walls. As Jake had put everything away, I had just finished washing off the blood. I took him to the sofa to talk.

E- Monkey, who was that?

J- I don't know...

E- What did the ask you, why was there shouting, bubba I'm scared

J- Princess don't be, I'm here. They asked me if I knew you, I obviously said yes, they asked me where you were, I started to get annoyed, so I said to leave now, of course they didn't. The decided to push me to the floor and walk up to you, but before they could get you, you ran. I tackled him to the floor and we started to fight. I was shouting and he was shouting. I picked him up and kneed him in the nuts, then he ran out.

E- Jake....

J- Whats wrong? You never say Jake, are you breaking up with me? Fine, I'll be at Anthonys

I just sat there frozen. He just broke up with me. I was gonna say thank you and I love you, but instead he broke up with me. I just cried my eyes out. I heard a knock on the door, I looked through the glass part of the door and saw everyone from the gang, including Alissa, but no Blake or Anthony. I quickly washed my face and opened the door.

E- Hey guys..

T- Hey E, you ok?

E- Yeah, yeah I'm fine, come on in

As they walked in, I looked at Alissa, she gave me a sorry look but I just rolled my eyes. We all sat on the sofa.

E- So, what are you guys doing here, especially her

I pointed at Alissa, she just put her head down.

S- She came to apologise

E- Oh, hm, why?

Alissa looked at me with bloodshot eyes. Dried tears and new tears coming from her eyes.

A- Look Rik, I-I'm so so so so so unbelievably sorry. I never meant to hurt you

E- I'll accept your apology but only under 1 condition

A- Whats that? I'll do anything

E- Gimme a hug

I held out my arms and she came racing towards me. I hugged her so tight. After a few minutes, we pulled back. She sat back down, smiling, wiping her eyes. We were all just talking until...

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