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I woke up next to my amazing boyfriend. I saw he was awake, he then noticed I was too and he instantly smiled.

J- Good morning beautiful

E- Morning handsome

We kiss

J- I'm gonna give you a new nickname

E- I'll do the same for you too

A few minutes later

J- I have 4

E- Same

J- What are your 4?

E- Mine are, Bubba, Love, Baby/Babe and Monkey

J- Aw, call me them all

E- Ok, what are mine?

J- Yours are, Princess, Love, Baby/Babe, Beautiful and Cupcake

E- Aw, you call me all as well

J- Ok cupcake

E- I don't care if its too early but, ily monkey

J- ilyt

We kiss for a while until we hear a knock on the door. I get up and walk over to the door until Jake stops me from behind.

J- Hey! Change what your wearing, only I get to see and have that

I look at him confused until I look down at my body. I'm naked.

E- I know, don't worry, thanks though, ily

J- ilyt

I quickly put on some booty shorts and one of Jakes sweaters and I answer the door. I look to see Tessa standing with a confused look on her face.

E- 1 sec

I close the door and run over to Jake.

J- Hey, slow down, is everything ok love?

E- Its Tessa

J- And, I thought she was your best friend

E- Well one of them

J- So whats the problem?

E- When we gonna tell people about us?

J- Whenever you want love

Jake kisses my nose and my heart melts.

E- Will we just tell people individually?

J- Yeah, if it makes it easier

E- Ok, ily monkey

J- ilyt my love

We kiss and then I go back to the door. I let Tessa in and we sit on the couch.

E- Hey T, what brings you here?

T- Just wanted to ask you something, but before that, why are you wearing Jakes sweater, Alissa's boyfriends sweater

E- Well.....um-

Jake probably heard our conversation because he shouted from his bedroom.


E- OK!

T- What?

E- T, please don't freak out

T- Erika..

E- Me and Jake are dating


E- Hold on, hold on, Alissa cheated on Jake and Blake cheated on me. They cheated on us with each other

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