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This morning I woke up, in a hotel room, naked lying next to Jake. I remembered the events that happened last night and a smile instantly grew on my face. I tried to get out from Jakes embrace and not wake him up, but I failed.

J- Good morning sexy

E- Good morning

I kissed Jake and walked over to the bathroom.

J- Whatcha doing?!

E- I'm gonna have a shower!

J- Can I join!!?

E- Fine, but don't try anything!

J- Ok my princess!

Jake walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. We both got in the shower and we cleaned our bodies.

E- We really should get going back to college

J- Ok, after this I'll book us a flight for a soon as possible

E- Ok

Me and Jake continued in the shower. We got out and I got changed into some white joggers and one of my cropped hoodies. Jake got changed into some black joggers and a Gucci hoodie. We walked over to the bed and we lay down. We were looking for flights when there was a knock on the door.

J- I'll get it

E- Ok

Jake went to go and get the door. He came back with a massive basket of food.


Jake just laughed.

J- Yes, food

E- WOO HOO!!!!

Jake kept laughing and came over with the basket. I started to stuff my face, while Jake was looking for a flight for us.

J- Got 1, we will have to leave for the airport at 6:30

E- Ok, by the way, I need to ask you something

J- Go ahead, I need to do the same

E- You go first

J- Ok, well, why no nicknames for me today *pouts*

E- Oh, I'm sorry love

J- Its ok cupcake, so, whats your question?

E- Can we rearrange our rooms when we get back?

J- How, what do you want to do?

E- I want my room to be the guest room, or something like that, and your room to be OUR room, or the other way round

J- I was hoping you would say that one day

E- So, we can?

J- Of course!


I kissed Jake and pulled back with a smile on my face. We just chilled for the rest of the day until we had to leave. We had just chucked everything back in our suitcases, then we left. When we got there, we went through security and all that, me and Jake decided to go to a restaurant. We were seated by a girl, she was checking Jake out and clearly flirting.


W- Hey there, I'll be serving you guys today, just follow me

We followed the girl and we took our seats.

W- What would you guys like to order

J- Um, can I have the pasta?

W- Of course you can

The girl touched Jakes bicep, I was really mad at this point.

E- I'll have the same

I just rolled my eyes.

W- Ok, that'll be with you soon

She kept smiling at Jake. When she was about to walk away, she made a phone with her hand and mouthed "call me". I was pissed. I wanted to leave. What if Jake really does call her? What if Jake likes her more than me? UGGHHH!!! Jake defiantly noticed something was wrong.

J- Princess whats wrong?

E- Nothing

J- Baby, you look pissed, whats the matter?

E- Jake, I told you its nothing

J- Ok...

I could tell I just upset Jake a bit. I called him Jake instead of a nickname which in the past cause us to breakup and for me to almost die. I wish I did die.


Erika looked pissed so I asked her what was wrong but she acted like she wanted nothing to do with me. I was dead confused. She also called me by my name, not my nickname, which I was also confused about. Then it all hit me, THE WAITRESS!! Erika must be pissed because the waitress touched my bicep and was flirting with me. I didn't want to be rude, so I just let her, but I didn't flirt back. Soon after she came back with our food.

W- Here you go

She handed Erika her food, Erika just rolled her eyes. Its clear that its the waitress.

E- Mmhmm

W- And here *smiles* is yours

She handed me my pasta.

J- Thanks

W- No problem

The waitress walked away. I saw she was still close so I wanted to show her that I'm taken.

J- Princess, I know why your mad

E- Mmhmm

J- I love you, only you

E- Yeah, I love you too bubba, but she pissed me off

J- I know, come here

Erika scooted closer to me. I looked to see if the lady was looking. The lady looked at me so I smirked and turned my head and started to slightly make out with Erika. I heard the waitress go "bitch". I just continued. Me and Erika finished our meals and then the waitress came back. She looked dead annoyed.

W- Heres you bill

She was still trying to flirt with me, but it wasn't working.

E- Thanks

J- I'll pay

E- You sure, we can just split the bill?

J- I'm sure

I heard the waitress mumble under her breath "gold digger". I just laughed.

W- Whats so funny, you have a cute laugh by the way

J- Oh, you know, just the fact you called my girl a gold digger and that you think you have a chance with me when you clearly don't *smiles*

I stand up and take Erika's hand, leaving the waitress in shock.

J- I love you cupcake

E- I love you too monkey

I kiss Erika and we make our way to the gate. We hop on the plane and we take off, back to college.

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