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I woke up cuddled into the most amazing human ever. My bubba. I look around the room and then look at Jake. He is cuddled into my lap, I just smile and go on my phone. I am playing with his hair when he wakes up.

E- Morning bubba

J- Morning love

E- Whatcha wanna do today

J- I don't mind, what you thinking?

E- I kinda just wanna chill inside and cuddle with you all day

J- I like that idea *smiles*

I love his smile. It makes my day better and better. I love him so much. I am going to order postmates for me and Jake.

E- Baby what do you want me to order from postmates for breakfast

J- Oooooo, um, can we get mcdonalds?

E- *smiles* yes, what would you like?

J- A sausage and egg McMuffin with a water please

E- Oki

I ordered our food and they said it will be here in 30 minutes.

E- Breakfast will be here in 30 minutes

J- Ok, thanks love

Jake pecks me on the lips. We turn the tv on and watch some of stranger things. About 30 minutes later the doorbell rings. I was about to go up and get it when Jake stopped me.

J- Its ok princess, I'll get it

E- Aw, thanks baby

I peck him on the lips and he goes to get breakfast. 2 minutes later Jake come back with our mcdonalds.

E- Thanks monkey

J- No problem beautiful

Jake sits back down and we eat our mcdonalds. A little while after we have our breakfast the doorbell goes. Jake gets up and opens the door.

E- Bubba who is it!?

I hear the door immediately close again. I get up and see Jake sitting at the door with his head in his hands. I run up to him and hug him.

E- Love whats wrong?

J- Logan came and brought Blake, but I didn't want either of them coming in because Blake cheated on you and Logan was trying to get with you

E- Baby its fine, let them in

Jake looks at me surprised.

J- You don't mind?

E- No, because I'm over Blake, because I have someone better

I peck Jake on the nose.

E- And Logan has no chance anyway

J- I love you cupcake

E- Love you too bubba

I kiss Jake then we both get up. I walk back over to the sofa, while Jake lets them in. When they come to the living room, Jake sits in between my legs with his head resting on my stomach. I love him so much, he's so cute! Anyway, Jake has his arms wrapped around my waist as well so I start playing with his hair. As Logan and Blake sit down I see them both look at me. I feel Jake tensing up so I try to calm him down. I start to rub his bicep and he starts to clam a little, so I continue the whole time.

L- So guys, this is Blake

J- Hey

E- Hi

L- You guys ok? You seem annoyed

E- We're fine

L- Ok, I have a feeling you guys will all get along

B- Yeah

E- Mmhmm

J- Sure

I look over at Blake. He is giving me the stare he gives me when he's angry at me. He has threatened to hurt me during our relationship, so I start to freak out a little. I saw that Jake definitely noticed, so he looked up at me and rubbed my thigh.

L- Guys, is everything ok?

I look at Logan, then at Blake, he has the same face, but scarier. I start to panic, I think I'm having a panic attack. Jake holds me in a tight hug and starts to rock me back and forth, I'm crying my eyes out at this point. Jake sees where I'm looking and I'm pretty sure he noticed how Blake was staring.

J- Logan, get him out now

L- What, why? Is Erika ok?

J- If he leaves, then she'll be fine

I see Logan turn to Blake.

L- Blake I'll meet you at the park later

B- Ok

Blake left but slammed the door so hard one of the picture frames fell. I screamed and cried more and more. Jake was trying to clam me down, he stroked the back of my head and was still rocking me back and forth. I calmed down a little. I looked at him, he looked at me worried.

J- Are you ok princess, do you need anything?

E- I'm fine, thank you though *sniff*

J- Its no problem baby, I love you so much, all I want to do is make sure your ok at all causes

E- I love you too bubba

Me and Jake continued our day, chilling on the sofa, talking, kissing, laughing and loving each other even more.

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