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Did Sunny really just say that? Is she telling the truth? Did Jake really cheat on me?

S- Are you ok? Do you want water?

E- Is it t-true?

S- I'm sorry E

I burst out crying and Sunny hugs me tight.

S- You want me to get the girls? They all know

E- Y-yes please *crying*

S- Ok


I feel so bad for E. Me and the girls were walking around and we saw Jake kissing another girl that want Erika. We went to go and tell her but then Jake came in with smoothies and we just couldn't tell her. I went out of Jerikas room to get the girls.

S- Girls... she needs you, like now

Girls- Coming

The girls rushed in the room and I was going to go in last until Jake stopped me.

J- Is she ok?

S- I don't know! IS SHE?!

With that I walked back in. I left Jake "confused" like he didn't know what I was talking about. We all know the truth.

S- You wanna come to my dorm and stay?

E- Y-yes *crying*

S- Ok, lets pack

We packed all of Erikas stuff and we walked out of the room. As we were walking by I saw Jake tear up.

J- Love?

Erika started to cry even harder.

T- Fuck off Jake, don't even try to find her, we're leaving

As we walked out the door I heard Jake start to cry. Did he really not know? Wait. WAS IT EVEN HIM!!?? Oh god.


I was so confused. Erika just left me, her crying, me crying. I don't know what Sunny is talking about, I've never done anything to hurt Erika.

K- What is it bro?

J- I DONT KNOW!!! She just l-left me for n-no reason *crying*

C- Lets just have a boys day, huh?

All but Jake- I'm down

An- Jake?

J- I want Erika, not a boys day *crying*


Yeesh, Jake always wants a boys day, not today I guess. The only thing that could stop him from a boys day was a day with Erika. Back home, he would have a boys day even if he was grounded! Its Erika though. He loves her so much.

An- I'mma go see whats wrong with her

J- Please tell me what they say *crying*

An- I will brother, bye guys

Boys- Bye


I walked to Sunnys dorm that she shares with the girls except Alissa and Erika. I knocked on the door and Tessa answered.

T- Sorry, we don't want any boys here

An- Well I want to talk with my girl please

T- Like I said w-

An- Tessa, I would like to see Sunny

T- Uggh fine, SUNNY!!

S- YEAH!!!



I saw Sunny running up to me.

S- Baby, whats up?

An- Whats wrong? Jake is in there confused, crying and wanting to die. We asked him for a boys day and he said no. He always wants a boys day unless he was with Erika. He said "I want Erika, not a boys day" so what the fuck is going on?

S- Fine. Jake cheated on Erika. There you happy?

An- No actually, he never did that!

S- Yes he did, it was the day we all went to their dorm then Jake came in with smoothies!

An- Omg, babe no!

S- What?

An- He was with me and the boys planning a surprise!!

S- Oh... what surprise

An- I can't tell you, you'll probably tell Erika

S- Fine. I'll tell Erika

An- Good, bye love you

S- Bye, love you too

Sunny ran back inside and I ran back to Jakes dorm.

J- What did they say *crying*

An- Sunny, she thought she saw you cheating, but you were with us planning the surprise!

J- What *sniff*


J- Really? *tearing up*

An- Yes bro


I heard Sunny and Anthony talking but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Just then I heard the door close and Sunny running in.

S- Um.. guys

All- Yes

S- Basically, the boys asked Jake for a boys day, but he said no, and what is the only thing that makes him not want a boys day?

All other that Erika- E!

S- Exactly! Then Anthony told me that, I told him that we saw him cheating at the smoothie store, right!

All but Erika- Yeah...

S- Well, um, we got it wrong


S- Yeah, um, Jake was with the boys planning a surprise for Erika


S- Yeah, so, E? You wanna go?

E- Um, yes please

S- Ok, lets go get your man!

We all walked back to Jake and Erikas dorm. We opened the door to see Jake sitting on the ground with dried tears coming from his eyes.

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