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I woke up, alone, lying on the sofa by myself. I look around the room, trying to find Jake but instead I find a letter on the coffee table. I pick it up and it says.

Dear Love,

I have popped out to go and get you and me some breakfast. I want you to stay where you are and rest until I come back. I have headed to Starbucks so I hope thats ok. I love you so so so much princess, I'll be back soon.

From Monkey xxxxxxx

I smiled after I read the letter. I put the letter back and grab my phone. I am on instagram, just chilling until I hear the door open. I look up to see my amazing boyfriend.

E- Hey bubba

J- Hey Baby, here's your Starbucks

Jake hands me a grande coffee and a cake pop.

E- Thanks bubba

J- What do you want to do today?

E- I was thinking about just resting and relaxing here

J- I know, I meant what do you want to do here, because no way is my princess going anywhere after being in the hospital *kisses Erika's cheek*

E- Oh *giggles* well, we could just watch movies or something

J- Ok, I'll be back in 1 sec

E- Ok, be quick!

J- I will love!

A few minutes later Jake comes back, shirtless and wearing a pair of joggers. He walks up to me and kisses me. I open my legs knowing he wants to lay between them. He does exactly that. He wraps his arms around my waist and I play with his hair.

J- What do you wanna watch?

E- How about The Greatest Showman

J- I mean if it make you happy then go ahead princess

E- I love you bubba

J- I love you too

Jake kisses my stomach. I find the greatest showman and hit play. As we are watching it, I feel Jake breathing heavier on me. I look down to see him fast asleep. I Finnish watching the movie and go on my phone. I am on instagram when I get a text.

?- I will get you someday, your little boyfriend can't keep you safe all the time

I don't respond. I am panicking so I wake up Jake. As soon as he sees that I'm panicking he starts to get serious.

J- Princess, whats wrong?

E- I g-got another t-text, their c-coming soon

J- Show me baby

I showed Jake the texts and he quickly grabbed my hand. He took me to my room.

E- What are you doing?

J- We, are packing


J- Princess listen to me

Jake looks me in my eyes, hands on my shoulders.

J- We aren't going far, nor are we leaving forever

E- Where are we going?

J- We are going to go to my house, to get you away from here

E- Will you leave me to come back here?

J- GOD NO! I will stay with you until its safe for you to come back here

E- I love you bubba

J- I love you too cupcake

I hug Jake so tight. We start packing my clothes then we pack Jakes clothes. We head outside and take Jakes car to the airport. Because this was not planned, we bought our tickets there. Luckily we could. We still had about 2 hours till our flight so we decided to go and get something to eat. During this time Jake called his parents telling them about everything and they said we can stay as long as we need. I called my mom and dad.

E- Hey mom, hey dad

AM+DD- Hey honey

E- I am leaving college just now, I'm in the airport

AM- Are you coming to visit?

E- ....no...

DD- Where are you going? Why are you leaving?

E- I have a boyfriend now, we are going to his house because someone is trying to get me that me and my boyfriend don't know. So he is trying to keep me as safe as possible

AM- Omg, please stay safe honey

DD- Whats this boys name

E- Omg dad, his name is Jake, and I love him very much

DD- Mmhmm, ok, I want to meet him soon though

E- Whatever, I've got to go now, our plane is boarding

AM- Ok, bye honey, stay safe

DD- Bye pumpkin

E- By guys love you

AM+DD- Love you too

I ended the call. Jake looked at me and smiled.

J- Your so beautiful

E- Your so handsome

We both leaned in and we toughed lips. We left the restaurant and went to our gate. We boarded the plane and took our seats. I had my arm wrapped around Jakes bicep and my head resting on his shoulder, his chin was sitting on my head. As the plane took off, we had both fallen asleep. A few hours later I was woken up by my love.

J- Wake up princess, we're here

E- Ok *sleepy voice*

We got off the plane and went to get our luggage. I kept noticing a random sketchy guy staring at me.

E- *whispering* Bubba, theres a sketchy guy staring at me

J- *whispering* Where?

E- *whispering* Behind me

Jake looked behind me and is face filled with rage. I saw him clench his fist so I grabbed it and held both of his hands. He looked at me, I slimed and pecked him on the lips. 1 second after, Jakes expression turned angry again.

J- *whispering* Do you think thats the person texting you?

E- *whispering* I don't know

I saw our bags so I walked up to get them. I turned around to see the guy walking up to Jake. I jerked my head at Jake, singling to look. He turned his head and saw the guy. I walked up and held Jakes hand tight.

?- Hey, I was wondering if you guys knew where you were going, you look new

J- No we're fine thanks, but just one question

E- Babe, not now

Jake looked at me and gave me the please face. I just rolled my eyes.

E- You know what, fine

I was still holding onto Jakes hand.

?- Sooo, that question

J- Yeah, I saw you staring, if I catch you anywhere around us again, I'll be the bigger person and take this to the police

Jake gripped my hand tighter and turned us around. We started walking towards the door until I heard shouting.


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