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I was woken up by Jake kissing my face. We had just arrived and everyone was getting off.

J- Hi princess

E- Hi love

J- We're here

E- Ok, can you help me get my luggage from the top

J- Of course

Jake helped me get my luggage and then we got off the plane. We made our way to the baggage collecting part and we waited on our bags. They finally came and we left the airport. We drove back to the college dorms and we quietly walked to our dorm, because its like 1:30 in the morning. We got to our dorm and we walked inside. We were not tired so we cuddled on the sofa trying to figure out what to do.

J- Wanna watch a movie?

E- We do that all the time though

J- Yeah, how about we start on the rooms

E- Yeah!

J- Ok, come on princess

E- Coming monkey

Jake took me to my room. We took all of my stuff that I wanted in our room and we put it on Jakes bed. Jake said that because he only has a single bed, we will go later and get a new double bed. We moved some of my stuff out of my room and left some in there. We also took all my clothes out and put them in our closet, because Jake bearly has any clothes. At around 6:30, we had finished. We were both kinda tired so we went to the sofa and fell asleep cuddled up.

4 hours later


I woke up lying next to my princess. I kissed all over her face to wake her up, like I did on the plane. She woke up and a smile grew on her face.

J- Good morning beautiful

E- Good morning love

I kissed Erika's lips and she kissed back.

E- What time is it?

J- It is *checks phone* 10:30 my love

E- Ok, well do you want to go shopping for our bed?

J- Sure, lets go get ready

E- Ok

Me and Erika got up and went to my room. We decided we wanted to match today so we wore black joggers, and I wore a white shirt and Erika wore a white crop top. We had breakfast and headed out. We made our way to the mall and went into the furniture store. We looked at a few beds until we found the perfect one.

We bought the bed and 2 guys came to our dorm to set it up

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We bought the bed and 2 guys came to our dorm to set it up. When they left me and Erika went to lay on our new bed.


I just laughed.

E- What you laughing at

J- The fact that you love the comfyness of our new bed

E- Well it is

J- I know, I'm laying on it right now

E- *giggles* I love you monkey

J- I love you too cupcake

I kissed Erikas nose and she giggled. I spooned her and we talked for hours and hours. I love my life right now.


Me and Jake are spooning on our new bed, when we hear a knock on the door. Jake goes to get it because he is still spooked about my safety. I heard a scream. I ran out of mine and Jakes room to see Tessa hugging Jake and all the others questioning him where we were. Just then Tessa sees me.

E- Oh god


Tessa runs up to me and pushes me on the floor. I see the boys trying to pull Tessa off of me and the girls trying to lift us up off the ground.

Boys- TESSA GET OFF!!! *laughing*


E- Yeah, I am, it would be nice if you got off of me though

T- Oh, sorry

Tessa got off of me, FINALLY. I ran to mine and Jakes room and locked the door. I heard laughing.


A- RIK COME ON! *laughing*

J- LOVE COME OUT!! *laughing*

E- FINE! *giggles*

I slowly unlocked the door and opened it to see everyone laughing their asses off. When they all calmed down we sat on the sofa.


An- We were all so worried!

J- We're sorry, we left to go to Ohio

An- OH


Trio- OHIO!!

E- What the fuck *laughing*

Girls- *laughing*

K- Its a thing the 3 of them do

An- Anyways, why did you go

E- Someone was looking, coming, trying to kidnap me or something like that

All but Jerika- WHAT!?

J- I told her she has to go for her safety

All but Jerika- Awwwww

S- E, can I talk to you in your room for a sec

E- Yeah sure

I walked over to mine and Jakes room while Sunny was at the guest room door confused.

S- You coming?

E- Are you coming?

S- But this is your room

E- No, thats the guest room, this is me and Jakes room, we moved this morning at 1:30

S- Oh, ok

Me and Sunny walked into me and Jakes room.

E- Is everything ok?

S- E, I'm so so so literally so sorry

E- What? What happened?

S- I'm pretty sure......Jake is cheating on you

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