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After someone shouted that, me and Jake turned around. I saw that it was the sketchy guy. Jake took me to a cop.

C- Hey guys, how can I help

J- Hi, um well, my girlfriend here has been getting some weird texts, they all started back in college, the person was saying things like "I will find you and I will have you" or some shit like that. Well, when me and my girl were waiting for our bags a guy kept staring at her. She went to get our bags and the guy approached us. He was saying we looked new and was wondering if we need help, we said no, then I confronted him about staring at my girlfriend. We walked away without letting him say anything until he shouted "YOU"LL BE MINE!!" so me and my girl are suspicious that he is the guy that has been texting her and that he followed us. I also recognised him, because 1 day in college a guy came in wanting her, that guy from college looks a lot like the guy here.

E- Is there anyway you can help?

C- Yes actually, there is, just follow me

We followed the cop and his other cop friends. We told them who the guy was and we all started walking towards him.

C- Hey pal

?- H-hello, can I h-help you?

C- May I see your phone? *puts his hand out*

?- S-sure

The guy gave the cop his phone.

C- Young lady will you please text the number texting you?

E- Yeah sure

I took my phone out and texted the number saying "hello". BING! The cop shows my the guys phone and it had my text. I looked at Jake and I started to panic. Jake looked me in my eyes.

C- Would you like to press charges or have him in jail?

J- Could you have him in jail please, I don't want him to bother my girl again

C- Yeah sure

The cop arrested the guy, Jake was hugging me the whole time. Soon after, Jake let go but kept his hands on my shoulders.

J- Love, you ok?

E- Y-yeah, just shook, thats all

J- Ok, lets go to my house

E- Ok, I love you bubba

J- I love you too cupcake

Jake put his arm around my shoulders and we walked out. We got in his car that helot here and Jake drove us to his house. I was really nervous to meet Jakes parents but I knew I could do it. We got to Jakes house. I ran out his side of the car and came to mine. He opened my door, but I couldn't move, I was to scared.

J- Princess, you coming?

E- Bubba, I'm scared to meet your parents, what if they don't lik-

Jake cut me off by kissing me.

J- If they don't like you, which they will, but if they don't, to bad, I love you so I'm staying with you *smiles*

E- *smiles* Ok

I got out of Jakes car and he got the suitcases out. We walked up to the door and Jake knocked. A few minutes later, a lovely looking lady opens the door.

MP- Baby! Your home!

J- Hey ma

They hug and then the lady looks at me and smiles.

MP- Hello dear, I heard what happened, are you ok?

E- Yes I'm dine thanks *smiled*

MP- Well, you look like a lovely girl, whats your name dear?

E- Erika

MP- Well, come on in you two, you have just been on a long flight, you must be tired

J- Yeah

We walk in and I see a man sitting on a chair, reading a news paper.

J- Hey dad

The man looks up and smiles at me and Jake.

DG- Hey son, who might this be?

J- This is Erika, she is my girlfriend

DG- Well hello Erika, its nice to meet you, I'm Greg, Jake's dad

E- Its nice to meet you too Greg

J- Well mom, dad, me and Erika are going to go upstairs and rest

MP+DG- Ok, see you in the morning probably

J+E- Goodnight

MP+DG- Night

Jake takes my hand and we walk upstairs. Jake leads me into his room. He lets go of my hand and sits the cases down, he takes my hand again and leads me to his bed. He pulls me down so I am lying on top of him.

J- You did it!

E- Yep, all thanks to you and your little pep talk

J- Well, what can I say, I give the best pep talks

E- Yes you do *giggles*

J- I love that little giggle *smiles*

E- And I love that little smile *smiles*

J- Yours is cuter!

E- No! *giggles*

J-Yes! *smiles*

E- *smiles* Whatever

J- I love you

E- I love you too

J- Lets get in our pjs then we can go to bed

E- Ok

Jake pecks my lips and we get up and rummage through our cases. I find my pjs. I'm wearing, my white cropped hoodie and my lilac purple velvet booty shorts. Jake is just wearing his black joggers like always.

J- You look hawt!

E- Shhh, you do to though

J- Come here

I walk closer to Jake and he kisses me. He picks me up and walks over to the bed. He lays me down and starts going down my neck.

E- Monkey, not now *giggles*

Jake comes up from my neck and pouts his lip.

J- Whyyyy??

E- Because, your parents are here and I'm tired

J- Ok fine, only because I care about you and I want you to get sleep

E- Thank you bubba

Jake comes up and spoons me. He puts his chin on my shoulder and we end up falling asleep.

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