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(Because 'A' is Alissa and 'An' is Anthony, I'mma do 'Ag' for Angel, and 'D' will still be Dani so I'mma make 'Da' for Dan, bai)

Ag- ERIKA!!!



M- RIK!!


They all ran over and gave me a hug. After some tears, we all settled down and sat down.

E- So guys, this is Jake, my boyfriend

Ag- Hi Jake, I'm Erikas mom, Angel

D- Hi, I'm Dani, Erika's little sister

Jc- I'm Jc, Erika's half brother

M- I'm Morgan, Erika's sister

Da- And I'm Dan, her father

E- Dad, please

Da- Erika, shhhh, I'll handle this

J- Nice to meet you all

Da- So, why'd you take Erika away from college?

J- Um...she was getting texts that someone was coming fro her, we both didn't know who it was so I wanted her to be as safe as possible so we came here, and if she misses college then so do I, we then found the guy at the airport and he got arrested. Thats basically it, I just wanted to keep her safe because I really love her and I know you all do too

E- Aww

I kissed Jakes cheek and looked back at my family.

Da- I appreciate that, thank you

J- Its no problem

We talked for hours until me and Jake had to head home.

E- *whispering* Love, if we want to get home by 8 we need to go now

J- *whispering* Ok, lets say bye then we'll head

E- Fam, me and Jake have to go if we want to make it home by 8

D- Awww, please don't go

E- Nana we have to

D- Ok *sad tone*

We all said our goodbyes then me and Jake headed home. When we got there, we walked into the living room to see Logan.

J- Oh, hey Logan

L- Hey Jake, hey Erika, what you two doing here

J- Erika was getting creepy texts saying someone was coming for her, so we came here so she could be as safe as possible, we were just over seeing her family by the way

L- Oh cool

Greg came down the stairs so I gripped onto Jakes had tighter.

G- Jake, I'm telling ya, she's just the same

J- DAD, SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Come on love, bye Logan

L- Bye guys

Me and Jake went up stairs. I was slightly crying but not how I was before. Jake hugged me tight as I slightly cried onto his hoodie.

J- Just remember, what he says isn't true, and you know that

E- I love you bubba

J- I love you too princess

We got changed into our pjs. I put on one of Jakes hoodies and a pair of white velvet booty shorts, and Jake was wearing black joggers, AGAIN! Anyway, we walked over to Jakes bed and we were cuddling and talking. Until I realised.

E- Jake..

J- Erika- wait, I'll let you talk first

E- Omg, I'm sorry bubba, I meant to say a nickname

J- Baby its fine, what did you want to tell me though?

E- We didn't tell anyone from college that we left, our friends, the dean!

J- Princess, clam, its fine, they'll understand

E- Ok

We continued talking until we fell asleep. We fell asleep like this.

 We fell asleep like this

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