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K- Wtf was that

I started to panic. What if its that person from earlier. The boys got up and looked out the door. They came back and sat back down.

E- What was it?

C- It was nothing that we saw

E- Oh ok

I was relieved.

M- So, wheres Jake? Should he not be here?

I just burst out crying. Hearing his name killed me inside. I just wanted him back. They all came over asking me whats wrong.

A- Rik, whats wrong?

K- Erika, you ok?

T- E, what happened?

I wiped my eyes.

E- Just forget it

C- Rik, you know were-

I cut him off.

E- I said just forget it!

C- Ok, sorry

We kept talking for a while until I heard the door open. I looked to see Jake and Anthony walk through the door.

C- Hey bros!

K- Whats up guys!

S- Hey baby!

I started to tear up. Me and Jake used to call one another baby. Jake speeded to his room, he probably didn't want to see me. Anthony then came and sat over next to us. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out the door and just kept running. I was running with tears in my eyes. I could hear my friends all calling for me, but I didn't listen. Then out of no where, I bumped into someone.

E- S-sorry

?- Rik? You ok

I looked up to see Logan.

E- Logan?

L- Yeah, its ok, what happened?

E- Jake...

I cried harder.

L- What did he do to you?

E- H-he thought I was going to b-break up with him, because I-I said his name when we usually c-call each other by our nicknames, b-but then he broke up with me when i-in the first place I was j-just gonna say I l-love you....

Logan pulled me into a tight hug.

L- I'm sorry

I heard all my friends behind me. I could see them all stop in their tracks when they saw me with Logan.

T- E?

E- Y-yeah?

K- Why are you with Logan?

L- Don't dare! This girl came running crying her eyes out then said that Jake broke up with her because he thought thats what she was gonna say, but no, this poor innocent girl was trying to say she loves him! He just leaves! So don't any of you dare get any ideas!

C- Ok, ok, sorry, geez

I saw Tessa, Mack, Liss and Sunny with their arms out wide. I ran to them and hugged the so tight. After a while, I said thank you to Logan and he left. Me and the squad left to go back to my dorm. When we got there, we saw Jake in the living room, smiling, talking and laughing with another girl. My heart shattered. I couldn't take it. I smiled at the girl because she smiled at all of us, then ran to my room and slid down my door. I was so angry with myself for being so stupid for saying Jake instead of one of his nicknames. I locked my door and started to mess up everything in my room. I smashed all of my photo frames, my phone, my mirrors and broke lots of stuff. I messed up my bed and ripped my sheets. I tore down my curtains and fell to the floor crying. I heard the squad yelling my name and trying to open my door. I decided to grab a piece of glass from my mirror.


I took the piece of sharp glass and pressed it up against my skin. I slit my arms, wrists, stomach and legs. I loved the pain. I then decided to run a bath. I got in and stabbed my arms, attempting to kill myself. I just remembered, the thoughts in my brain, no one loves me, everyone hates me, anyone who I am with leaves me because I'm disgusting and no one likes me. My vision starts to go blurry and 1 second later, I'm out cold.



Me and the squad get back to the dorm to see Jake with another girl. I look at Erika and see she looks heartbroken. The slut girl Jake is with smiles at us and then Erika runs to her room. I'm worried of what she might do. Then we all hear glass shatter and things being ripped apart. Me and the squad other that Jake and his girl, are all trying to get in. After about 5 minutes, we hear water running. We all get so worried, Kade goes to get Logan to give him his massive thing thats helps you knock down a door. Don't know why he has it, but he does. When Kade gets back everything is silent other than me, Alissa, Sunny and Mackenzie all crying our eyes out wondering if our best friend is ok. Kade bashes down the door and the squad other that Jake and the slut runs in. Everything is everywhere. We see blood on the floor.

T- OMG! THERES BLOOD!! *screaming*

I am screaming my lungs out, then I go in the bathroom and see my worst nightmare.... My best friend bleeding from everywhere looking lifeless, in a bathtub...

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