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J- Erika?

E- Yeah?

J- Hi *smiles*

E- *smiles* hi

Everyone but Jerika- What was that?

J- Oh nothing, just our thing

Everyone but Jerika- Ok

E- Well, Imma have my smoothie now

J- Ok *smiles*

I kiss Jakes nose, then walk over to the couch.

T- You guys are already couple goals

S+M- I know right!

I blush and I see Jake smile. I look to see the boys about to lay on Jakes bed. Jake hasn't noticed yet though. I just burst out laughing. Everyone just stares at me. I motion for Jake to come over so I can tell him.

E- Their laying on your bed *whispering*

Jake looks over and giggles. He walks into his room and gets them off. The boys look at Jake confused. Then they all pretend to barf. Me and Jake just laugh. A few hours later everyone left. Me and Jake were just chilling on the couch until the doorbell went. I went to answer it. I opened the door to see a tall blonde kid.

E- Hi, can I help you?

?- Yeah um, I'm looking for Jake, by the way, later do you wanna maybe wanna come to my place with me? *smirks*

E- Um, no, but I can get you Jake

?- Whatever

E- Love!

J- Yes princess!?

E- Someones at the door for you!

J- Ok!

Jake comes to the door and smiles at me.

J- What are you doing here?

?- Little brother Jakey

E- Little brother?

J- I know right, so sad

I giggle and look at the other guy.

?- Don't start, you know you missed me

J- Meh, not really

?- So, wheres Alissa?

I look over to see Jake still smiling. I was kinda confused.

J- She cheated on me, with Riks now ex

?- Whos Rik?

He looked at me and I smiled.

E- Thats me

?- Well, your hot, you wanna come with me?

E- I already told you no

J- What do you mean already? *tensing up*

E- Its fine love *whispering*

Jake smiled slightly, then looked at Logan, then frowned.

?- Its not like she already has a boyfriend, none the less you, I mean come on, I'm the better looking brother that all your girls want

Jake teared up and walked away.

E- Whats your name

?- Logan, you coming? *smirks*

E- Well Logan, I don't like dicks like you, and by the way, I'm dating that hot slice of cake through there, and don't you ever think I will ever like you in that way

I slammed the door in his face and went to Jakes bedroom to see him with red puffy eyes.

E- Monkey? You ok?

J- No, he's right, every girl I ever have a chance with, they usually use me to get to him

E- Well, I love you and only you, so never expect me to be going anywhere

He smiled at me and stood up and came over and pecked my lips.

J- I love you too my princess

E- You wanna go to the movies?

J- Yeah, sure, lemme just get changed

E- Ok monkey

I pecked his lips and made my way to my room. I quickly got changed into some leggings and one of Jakes sweaters, because its comfortable. I then throw my hair into a messy bun and put on some mascara. I walk out into the living room to see Jake ready to go. He looks at me and smiles.

J- You ready to go cupcake?

E- Yep

Jake kissed me and took my hand. As we were walking I saw Blake, I started to walk quicker.

J- Princess, you ok? Your walking faster than usual

E- Its..... Blake is over there

J- He's a dickhead, just ignore him

E- Ok, I love you baby

J- I love you too princess

I smiled and walked at a more normal pace. I then see Logan and Blake talking, little did Logan know, thats my ex.

E- Baby?

J- Yes love ?

E- Logans over there talking to Blake

Jake stops in his tracks.

J- Baby, what did I just tell you?

E- I know but-

I get cut off by Logan calling for Jake.


Jake looked annoyed and turned around.

J- What do you want

L- Look I'm sorry about earlier, by the way, you've got yourself a feisty one *looks at me*

Jake turns his head and smiles.

J- I love her though

I peck Jake on the lips.

L- Ew, well, I wanna introduce you to someone

Jake looked at me, I had a worried look on my face, he then turned back to Logan.

J- Whats his/her name?

L- Its a he, and his name is Blake

Hearing his name hurt me inside but I felt Jake squeeze my hand, so I calmed down.

J- No thanks, were heading to the movies

Me and Jake turned away leaving Logan clueless. I looked at Jake and he looked at me, we both smiled at each other.

E- Thank you bubba

J- No problem princess

We head to the movies and we watch 'WhiteChicks'. Me and Jake headed back to our dorm and chill for the rest of the night. We get changed into our pjs. Jake is shirtless with black joggers and I have on some booty shorts and a white crop top. We are cuddling on the sofa and end up falling asleep.

 We are cuddling on the sofa and end up falling asleep

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