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I woke up, once again, next to a handsome beast. My boo. MINE! Anyway, I kiss the end of Jakes nose and he wakes up.

E- Good morning bubba

J- Good morning love

Jake pulls me into a kiss, it gets a bit heated. I get on top of Jake and straddle him. He is rubbing up and down my thighs. I then remember that we're not the only one's in the house, so I pull back.

J- Heyyy *sad*

E- Sorry love, we're not the only ones here

J- I know but still, pleasssee

E- No baby, not just now

J- We haven't had s*e*x in months

E- I know, I'm sorry, when we get back to college we can

J- What if I tell my mom we're leaving tonight, when we're actually going to a hotel *smirks*

E- .....Fine

J- YESS!!!!

I laugh at how excited Jake is. We get ready and head out to the mall. I decide I want to buy some lingerie for tonight so I pick out a few without letting Jake see.

 I decide I want to buy some lingerie for tonight so I pick out a few without letting Jake see

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I quickly pay and then me and Jake head out. We go around a few more shops, we got condoms too. We went back to Jakes house and then packed all of our stuff. We said bye to Pam but we left before Greg could say anything. We got in Jakes car.

J- You ready baby?

E- As ready as I'll ever be daddy *bites her lip*

Jake speeds to the nearest hotel and we get a room. We walk up the stairs and Jake starts running. When we get there Jake jumps on the bed. I sexily walk over to him and sit on the bed.


I crawl up to Jake and straddle him. We start to make out and it gets heated. I yank on his shirt so he takes it off. He pulls off my little dress and his eyes widen. I had decided to wear the last one⬆️ He then looks up at me and smirks. We go back to making out. He flips us over so he is on top. He kisses down my neck and to my boobs. He sucks on them while I'm slightly moaning. He then makes his way down my stomach. He goes back up my body and starts to make out with me again. As we are making out he sticks 2 fingers up my front. I am moaning so Jake kisses me to stop me. He then sticks in 4. At this point I am almost a moaning mess.

J- You like the baby girl?

E- Yes *moan* daddy!

Jake then kisses down my body again, but this time he eats me out. I am pulling and playing with his hair and pushing him deeper. He is grabbing my hips and holding me down.

E- Daddy *moan* I'm gonna *moan* cum!

J- Hold it baby girl

E- I *moan* can't!

I cum but Jake licks me clean. I take off his joggers and boxers and grab a condom.

J- You sure?


J- Your wish is my command princess

Jake shoves into me and starts thrusting harder and harder.

E- RIGHT *moan* THERE DADDY *moan* HARDER!!!!!!!!!!

Jake goes harder until his whole 12 inch dick is inside of me. I flip us over and I start to ride him. We are both moaning messes at this point.

J- FASTER *moan* PRINCESS HARDER !!!!!!!!!!!! *moan*

E- YES *moan* DADDY!!!!!

We continue this for about 5 hours until we reach our climax's.


E- Best

J- S*e*x

E+J- Ever

E- I love you bubba

J- I love you too princess

Me and Jake cuddle and fall asleep like this except naked.

Me and Jake cuddle and fall asleep like this except naked

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