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I wake up, not in our dorm. I look to see Jake cuddled up next to me and we are in his room. I remember the events that happened yesterday. I peck Jakes lips trying to wake him up. He does.

J- Good morning princess

E- Good morning monkey

J- Want to have breakfast?

E- Yeah, lets go brush our teeth first

J- Ok

Me and Jake get up from the bed and rummage through the cases again. We find our toothbrushes and we head to Jakes bathroom. We quickly brush our teeth and then head downstairs. When we get down we see Pam and Greg in the kitchen. We walk over to them and they smile.

( For the parents, I'm going to just do it like how Jake and Erika's names are, ok bai)

P- Good morning sleepy heads

G- Good morning

J+E- Morning

P- What would you guys like for breakfast?

J- Do we have waffles?

P- Yep, you want those?

J- Yes please!

P- Ok, what about you Erika?

E- I'll just have the same

P- Ok, they'll be done soon

J- Ok, Imma be back in 1 minute, I'm going to the restroom

E+P+G- Ok

Jake pecks my lips and heads to the restroom. When I hear the door close I hear Pam speak.

P- I'm going to get ready for the day, here's your waffles Erika

E- Thank you Pam

P- No problem dear

Pam heads upstairs then Greg speaks.

G- So, Erika, have you met Logan?

E- Yeah I have actually, at college, he's nice too

G- I knew it

E- Is everything alright

G- Your just another slut that uses Jake to get to Logan

I choke on my food a little.

E- W-what do you mean

I trying to hold back my tears because of the fact that he just called me a slut.

G- Jakes last girlfriend before Alissa cheated on him with Logan, then Jake found out and she told him that she used him to get Logan. Your probably like that as well, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, look at the way you dress

He walks away laughing then I brake down in tears. I hear running. I look up to see Jake running over to me and hugging me tight.

J- Princess, whats wrong?

Jake looked me in my eyes.

E- If I tell you, you might hate someone that y-you should love *crying*

J- Baby, I don't care, tell me whats wrong

E- Your dad said I'm a s-slut and I am just using you to get to Logan, but I'm not, I love you! *crying*

J- Princess, I know your telling the truth, I love you too, now, ignore him completely, ok?

E- O-ok *sniff*

J- Now, what he said was not acceptable so I'm going to go and talk to him, I'll get my mom to come down and comfort you, ok?

E- Ok, I love you bubba *sniff*

J- I love you too cupcake

Jake left and I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked over to see Pam running towards me.

P- Dear are you ok? Jake told me what Greg said

E- Yeah, I'm fine now *weak smile*

P- Ok, just know that I think you have changed Jake in a good way, thank you for that

E- Aw, thats ok, how has he changed?

P- Well, when he was with Alissa, he was always quite dull, if you know what I mean, but now he's with you, he's like another person! He's always happy, he's upbeat and I can tell you two love one another very much

E- Yeah, I love him literally so much, he has made me a better person I feel

P- Thats great *smiles*

After me and Pam talking for about 10 minutes, Jake comes back down with dried tears on his face. I run up to Jake and hug him tight.

E- Are you ok bubba? You have dried tears on you cheeks

J- Yeah I'm fine *sad tone*

E- Why were you crying?

J- He was just being a dickhead

 Jake was wiping away him dried tears.

E- Ok, I love you

J- I love you too

I peck Jake on the lips and take him over to the table to have breakfast. When we finished, we went back up to Jakes room and we got changed. I put on some black joggers and a white crop top, and Jake put on some different black joggers and a white shirt. We looked at each other and laughed. We were matching. We kissed a few times before going downstairs. We were on the sofa, in our normal positions, Jake lying between by legs and hugging my waist.

J- Love, where does your family stay?

E- In Toledo, its about 2 hours away, why?

J- You wanna go see your family?

E- Yes!

J- Ok, we can go just now, then we can stay for a bit then come back here

E- Ok, thank you so much love

J- Your welcome princess

I hugged Jake then we told Pam we were going. We hopped in the car and we took off. We were planning on surprising my family and hopefully they will be surprised. About 2 hours later we got to my house.

J- You ready cupcake?

E- Yep, lets go monkey

J- Ok

We got out the car and I opened the door. I ran through with my hands up in the air.


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