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When I saw the girls walk through the door, I saw Erika and immediately started crying. I saw that she looked at me and she started crying as well. I saw her put down her things and come closer. I got up and ran. I hugged the shit out of her. We were sitting on the ground crying onto each others shoulders.

E- I'm s-sorry

J- Its o-ok, you d-didn't know

Erika looked into my eyes.

E- W-will you t-take me b-back?

J- I would give anything to take you back

I hugged her more and we heard "awww" s. We looked up to see everyone staring at us. I stood up and helped Erika. Out of no where, she kissed me. We made out but we both pulled back before it could go any further.

J- Wow, ok

E- Sorry

J- No, I liked it

E- *blushed* I love you bubba

J- I love you too princess

I took Erika into our room and we started unpacking. When we finished, we walked out to see no one here.

J- Hello!!

E- I guess no ones here

J- I guess

E- What do you wan-

I cut Erika off by kissing her. I pushed her against the wall and started going down her neck. I'mma do it. I'mma give her the surprise. I kissed down her body until I got on one knee. I was kissing down her stomach, when I pulled out a ring.


Jake was kissing down my stomach when he stopped. I looked down to see him on one knee with a ring. I fell to the floor, hugging him and crying on his shoulder.

J- Princess, stand up *giggles*

I stood up while crying my eyes out.


J- In the beginning, I thought everything is gone because my heart was so empty and weary of too much disappointment from ladies, then you came into my life and put upon my face endless love and complete passion.With you this life will be so interesting, it will relax my heart because I know my princess is always with me, smiling at me and making me feel as special as I want. Now and for the rest of my life I will continue to adore and admire you.You are the most interesting person that I have ever set my eyes upon in this life, you are the reason why I am happy, that pearl of passion that will never cease to exist on my mind. I wish you every good thing life can bring my princess. I just want to say I love you, with more than my heart, now, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?

E- Of course!

I stood up and slid the ring on her finger. I kissed her like it was the last one I would ever get.

J- I love you so much and I just wanted you to know that

E- I love you too bubba


I hope you guys enjoyed this book. I loved writing it and if you guys want I will do a squeal to this book. I know that Jake and Erika are no longer together, but that will not change that I loved them as a couple and that even though they aren't together, I will still be writing stories about them.

Ily guys ❤️

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