III - New School And Meeting

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🔝This would have been them if they went to the same high school🔝

That was the big day. That was the day I would be starting my dream university. I am pretty damn nervous to be honest.

I'd gotten so far in life, even without... But that was in the past. It was time to look at what's up ahead and try not to look back.

I just want to tell you a bit something here. I know it's quite off topic, but hear me out. I would have never thought I would find love in school.

There are many different types of love. One of them is soulmates, where two people's souls are inseperative. They are like faith. They would die without each others love. There is also said, that some soulmates see a red string tied to their fingers, connecting them, if they have chosen correctly.

Then there are the forced people. They don't get to choose. They are forcefully put together and have to live with each other for the rest of eternity. It's sad, what churches do now-a-days.

And then there are the happy free people, who can choose their love and life, not being influenced by anything. I wished I was one of them, but not now.

Oh, sorry, I got really carried away... Um, back to the main topic.

Anyways, when we arrived, I was sweating balls. I was thinking if I was even going to survive this. If I was going to make friends. But most of all, what if I screwed up and I'd be dropped out?!

No, no. There was no way that was going to happen. You had prepared for this all your life, you will succ-

"Um, Jin? We're here." My mom waved a hand in front of my blank face. I shook my head, coming back to reality. "Sorry, I'm just thinking way too much." Was my excuse, quite lame but accurate.

"Mmm, alright. Well, get your stuff and go." She said, motioning to the door and the back of the car. I just nodded and got out. I grabbed my bags from the back of car and carried them away.

"Seokjin-ah, come here!" My mom motioned with her finger. I put down my bags and went to her. "Bend down a bit more." I did as she asked. Then she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I just pulled away, rubbed the spot and showed a fake bitter face. "Ma, I'm already 18! I don't need kisses!" I said to her playfully. She just giggled. "Come on, I'm gonna miss my baby." I just waved as she rolled the car window up and drove away.

When she was far enough, I turned on my heel and took one step. That was finally it. I grabbed my bags and hesitantly took a step forward and continued to walk towards the tall open gates of the school.

As I walked in, I saw many people running around on the field. I didn't pay much attention to them and just continued walking.

I saw the school doors were wide open and there was an older looking teacher standing next to the door, probably greeting new people and also handing out dorm keys.

I made my way over to the door and confronted the lady. "Hello! I'm new here and need my dorm key." I said politely. "And your name is?" "Kim Seokjin." She flipped through the pages on the clipboard and found my name.

"Yes, Kim Seokjin. Your dorm in 219." She said and handed me the keys. "Thank you!" I smiled. She nodded and motioned her hand for me to walk in.

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