VI - The Coffee Shop

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Seokjin's POV

Me and Taehyung made our way to the coffee shop. It was a small coffee shop near campus and it was easy to get to. I'd went there before and the coffee there was actually pretty good.

We reached the coffee shop and opened the door for Tae. He thanked me and walked in. I walked in right after him and guided him to a table. We set our stuff down and went to the line to order.

There were 3 people in front of us, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I let Taehyung get in line before me. He, of course, thanked me. I kept on telling him to stop thanking me.

As the line came closer to us, I started thinking about what to get. I finally decided to get a regular cappuccino, just like the first time around.

"Hi, what would you like to order?" "I'll take a mint hot chocolate." "And for you, sir?" "I'll get a cappuccino." "Alright, coming right up." We paid for our drinks and went to sit down at our table.

It was kind of awkward to sit quietly for a few minutes. Then I decided to break the ice. "So, Taehyung, how have you been doing?" I said in a calm and warm voice. He thought for a few seconds, but then answered.

"Well, Seokjin, I've been pretty okay. I did miss a lot of you back here in Seoul." He paused for another moment and then spoke again. "Are you still in touch with any of our older friends?" He asked curiously.

"Well, yeah. I still have Jungkook's contacts but I don't speak with him so much anymore, but I heard that him and Yoongi are best friends. I can't confirm anything, but I think they kinda have crushes on each other." I spoke. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, when I talk to Yoongi, which I still do, one of our topics is always Jungkook. He says he is really handsome and also very cute." "Oh, I see." Taehyung said as he held his mouth open.

"Namjoon, he moved away to another city, so I have no idea what he has been up to." Taehyung nodded as I talked. "Hoseok, I still keep in contact with him. I also keep in touch with Jimin thanks to him." "Yeah, Jimin and Hoseok have always gotten along great and been good friends."

We talked about many different topics after that. Like school, America, Seoul etc. We talked like we were old friends again. It didn't feel awkward nor tense, just warm and pretty calm. I was surprised of how well we already got along.

"So, shall we get going now?" I looked at my watch and saw that while we were talking, 2 hours had flown by. "Our drinks are long gone." Said Taehyung. I nodded, chuckling lightly.

I sat up and opened the door for Taehyung. He thanked me once again and walked out. I walked out after him and returned to his side.

We decided to go and explore the area around our school. There was an older part of town near our school, so we went there first.

It was actually really beautiful. I liked the older looking buildings and there was also an old church, which we also visited.

After about an hour of exploring we decided to head back to the school, because we still needed to unpack our stuff.

We made our way back to the school and entered. We walked among the quiet hallways of the big university. I was actually surprised that there weren't that many people yet, or at all.

We arrived at our dorm and went in. We took off our shoes and walked off to our rooms, of course waving at each other before separating.

I have to say, Taehyung is actually a really nice guy. Getting to know him better again after all those years makes me quite happy to be honest.we can communicate without being awkward around each other, it's a really good thing to have between old friends and also new ones.

I am packed my stuff and put them where they were supposed to be. My clothes were still neatly folded, I set my books and other documents on the side of my writing table.

I still had time to kill before evening, so I went and knocked on Taehyung's dormroom door. I heard a few things fall on the floor but I just guessed it was books because it really did sound like it.

He opened his door and greeted me with a smile. "Is there anything you need, hyung?" He asked me with a cheery voice. "Yeah, since we have so much time till evening, I thought you would like to come and walk around the school with me?"

His eyes lit up at what I said. "Yes, sure, I'd love to." I smiled at his reply. "Let me just clean this up..." He lifted something from the floor and put it away somewhere. I didn't think much of it.

He then opened the door fully and came out of the room. He closed it after himself and went to the front door. I followed close behind, and we both put our shoes on. We locked the dorm room after we left and went for a quiet walk around the school.

What have I been doing? I haven't updated in a month! It's crazy how fast time flies by. I'm so sorry for the wait and the short chapter, but it's here now and I hope you don't mind.

Signing off,

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