XII - Camping

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On the next weekend, we had packed our stuff in our camping bags and we were ready to roll.

Then Amaya told me the hiking spot was actually almost 300 kilometers away so the car ride there would be around 3 hours long. Great.

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"Is all of the luggage in the trunk now?" I asked both Amaya and Taehyung. "I believe so. This is going to be so exciting!" Squealed Amaya and jumped up and down while clapping her hands against each other.

"Calm down, it's not that exciting either." Said Taehyung sarcastically and shook his head lightly while looking down. I rolled my eyes slightly and smiled. "Okay, if you are ready, sit in and we can start driving."

I got to the driver's side of the car and sat in the driver's seat. Taehyung got in the passenger seat and Amaya sat in the backseat.

"Do we really have to drive that far?" I asked Amaya while starting the car. "Of course, I looked it up and it's ten times better than any of the hiking spots in this area. The pictures of the mountain and the place to hike just looked so gorgeous, I couldn't resist.." Amaya replied, rubbing the back of her neck and smiling awkwardly.

"Ahh, it's fine, I just hope that it's really worth it to drive so much further." "I believe it's not that bad, probably has some prettier sceneries." Taehyung joined our conversation. "I brought my camera to take pictures of the sceneries and also of us." Amaya spoke up again and rose the camera that was sitting on her lap to prove the point.

"Okay, I guess we will have to see." Amaya shrugged and finally buckled her seatbelt, being the last one to do so in the car.

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The car ride was smooth and had a few chit-chats here and there. There were remarks of the weather, different area and the different things we saw.

But to keep us entertained, we all put music in a circle and listened to all kinds of music each of us preferred. We all were very different, so the music we listened to was also very variable and different, unique in its own way.

And as games, we firstly played truth or dare, just minus very over the top dares, because we were seated in the car with one of us driving. That didn't turn out the most interesting, so we switched over to playing never have I ever.

That game was certainly more truthful and it didn't require anyone to move other than putting down their fingers. Amaya was the one who was on the phone, reading out the different truths.

Most of them were pretty innocent, like cheated on a test, kissed, had a crush on someone. Some of them were already quite mature, like got drunk, had friends with benefits, dated anyone.

And Amaya also asked some very mature ones, like lost your virginity, gave/received a blowjob or even done anal. These were highly questionable.

I got a bit nervous and uneasy when we needed to answer the most mature of the question. I needed to put down my finger down for the questions associated with sex. Taehyung even gave me a questioning look, not knowing that he had lost his virginity too.

At last, we arrived at the parking lot in front of the mountain. Fortunately, there weren't any cars there, so it didn't seem like we would be running into anyone while looking for the camping site.

I parked the car and we all stepped out. We took our bags and luggage and started making our way through the forestry area surrounding the mountain.

The forest was peaceful and the only sounds you could hear were our footsteps and the birds chirping. It was already spring, so the evenings weren't as cold as before and we would have a pleasant walk to the camping site.

The camping spot was surprisingly much further away from the parking lot than we thought and it took us hours of walking to get there, since it was quite off the ground, already located on the stony surface of the mountain.

So we started making our way through the path, carrying our luggage with us and not letting go of it. We soon got tired of the mostly quiet surrounding, so we took out a speaker and put on some tunes. We didn't put on very loud music, knowing it would disturb the peace of the forest life.

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"Are we there yet?" Amaya whined as we were making our way up the mountain. "This was your idea, so you are responsible." Replied Taehyung. "Don't worry, we are almost there." I said to them both to shut them up.

The sun was already setting and it was slowly getting chillier as time went by. We had walked for the whole time to get to the camping place in time to have a little snack and set up the tents. We were all assigned to our own tents, so nobody was assigned to share.

"Okay, we're here." I said as we walked on the flat and stoney surface on the mountain, showing that we were in the right place. "Oh, finally, I couldn't wait." Said Amaya weakly and set her bag down and sat down on the stone.

"I'll go set up the campfire." I excused myself and walked to the benches that were surrounding a fire spot. I took a lighter and a stick, set the stick on fire and threw it into the pile of wood. That little burn soon turned into a large and warming campfire we all know and love.

"Shoot." Taehyung looked through his stuff quickly and scratched his head. "What's going on?" I asked immediately after hearing him sat something. "I have forgotten my tent...and sleeping bag. Or just lost them." He looked down at his feet in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I've got a tent for two, we should be able to share." I calmly reassured him. "But...what about the sleeping tent? Will we be sharing that too?" "Appears so."

"I'll help you put your tent up." "It's our tent for now." I smiled at Taehyung as he looked away. I detached my tent from my bag and we started putting it up.

We got finished with the tent pretty soon, since there were two of us. We helped out the struggling Amaya who wasn't doing very well with her tent.

We helped her get her tent up and just then noticed that the sun had already set and the only sources of light were the moon and the campfire. We gathered to sit on the benches and cook up a little something before heading to sleep.

We each cooked up the food we had brought and shared it. We had a little feast and celebrated our success on getting there at a reasonable time.

After eating, we all sat around for a little while more, paying attention to the peace and the coolness of night while the campfire cracked next to us.

Amaya was the one who broke the silence. "Alright, I'm gonna crash. You guys can still stay here." She stood up and sleepily made her way to her own tent and crawled inside. Me and Taehyung wished her a good night and sat around in silence for a minute or two.

"So..." Taehyung started, now being the one breaking the silence. "Hm?" I turned my head towards him and looked at him. "When did you lose your virginity?"


Hiya! Thank you for sticking around! This is the chapter for today and I'm happy you took the time to read or even be this far! As always, I am so grateful to everyone for being here!

This is all for now, until the next update!



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