IV - Pass Out

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🔝Them if they had gone to the same high school🔝


Just the sound of his voice made me realize who it was. As I turned around, our eyes met and I looked into them deeply. They were still the beautiful cocoa brown color I still had glued to my mind. I had always hoped to see them again.

Slowly but surely, my eyes made their way to his plump lips, what were still big and pink, just like as a child. I had already forgotten his deepest details but I still remembered the main part.

"W-What are you doing here?" Seokjin said, shuddering. "I guess I came to this school to get a degree, just like you." I looked at him confidently. He was not amused.

"We haven't seen or been in contact for eight years and you just show up and your comeback to my first question is a sarcastic comment. Not cool." He looked into my eyes, dead serious. "Sorry, I guess it's just really awkward."

"Just...get out of my room." Was all he could mutter. I silently agreed and stood up. As I walked out of the doorway, our shoulders touched. Pretty casual, right? No, well, at least not for me.

As our shoulders touched, I felt his strong energy boost inside of me. I knew we were soulmates, but I wasn't ready to accept it yet. He felt so strong, not so much like me.

I also felt him flinch as we touched, but I didn't pay attention to it. I just walked to my door and closed it behind me.

As I was in my room again, I was extremely sorrow, also empty inside. I was also having mixed feelings. I was sad, happy, exited, all at the same time. But most of all I was sad, because he just told me to get out.

My thoughts drifted off to the face of Seokjin. The thoughts sent shivers down my spine, as my body also ached. Damn, he was so hot. At that moment, a sharp pain made its way up my body. I grabbed my hair as I felt a strong pain raise to my head. I also made loud groans.

The last thing I remember is me falling on my bed, head to the side. I think I saw Jin quickly opening the door. "J-Ji..." I tried to say his name, but I collapsed. He called out my name numerous times, but as I was passed out, they were just muffled background noises.

~Seokjin's POV~

When I had looked around the school enough, I found a quiet hallway in a quiet part of the school. There was a bench in the wide hallway, so I decided to take a seat and read the book I was currently reading.

I sat down on the wooden bench and got comfortable. I took the book from my other hand, opened it, and continued from where I had left off before.

The book was about two individuals, who met by accident. The book starts with one of the characters drunk, lying on a bench, almost asleep. The other character finds them and asks, if they need any help. They help the person home but somehow stay in contact.

I've heard from the book fandom, that in the end, the first character kills themself after a fight with the second character, by setting themself on fire. The second character loved them so much, that they can't take it, and kill themself too. It's really sad, but I like it.

I started reading and soon got caught deep in thought by the book. It was really interesting.

After reading for a while, I heard someone coming from the far distance. I didn't mind their presence before they got closer to me.

They had this weird aura to themself. I couldn't help but look up at them. Before I looked up at them, I felt as they had glanced at me.

I finally looked up at them and somehow couldn't look away. They seemed so...familiar, even though I only saw the back side of them.

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