X - The First Time (NSFW)

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⚠️Disclaimer: This chapter contains explicit content, if you aren't comfortable with that, I recommend you to skip this chapter. Thank you.⚠️

I laid in bed, my body feeling a little numb. I had that argument with Taehyung earlier that evening. It wasn't that big of a deal, but he took some of his belongings and walked out of the front door, not saying two words to me.
I still hadn't heard from him at that point.

If I was honest, I was really worried. But I still continued with my homework and got it all done and I also had some time for myself too. I could read over my notes and remember them all without much thought.

Then, suddenly, I heard my heard vibrate, followed by the sound of my ringtone, which meant someone was calling me. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and checked the caller.

To my surprise, Taehyung was the one ringing me. I had given him my phone number when we first went to that café together, so he always knew he could call when I wasn't around or he needed something.

As I picked up the phone, I heard some music playing in the background, just like at a nightclub when you were standing outside. I already suspected something wasn't quite right.

"Hello, Taehyung? Can you hear me?" He didn't say anything for a little while, but then finally responded. "Heyyy, Jinnie~" He didn't sound anything but drunk, he must have drunk more. "Jesus, Taehyung, did you go drinking?" "Maybe just a little~" He answered with a very carefree tone.

"Okay, never mind, where are you right now?" I asked him a very serious and concerned voice. "Nowhere important." He hiccuped in the middle of his sentence, clearly drunk. "Okay, I'll come and get you."

I hung up on him before he could say anything else. I was pretty angry but I wasn't one of his parents, so I really couldn't complain, since he was already an adult.

I went on Find Friends on my iPhone, since Taehyung had it enabled. From that, I saw that he was at a bar a few kilometers away. That was a popular hangout place for our college kids to hang out at. They go drinking and clubbing there, hoping to find some hot chick and get laid (or vise versa). Typical.

I knew Taehyung wasn't interested in getting laid at a bar, since he was still a virgin. As he had said, he isn't interested in dating many people, he just wants to find the person who he is destined to, that's just how faith works.

When I found out Taehyung's location, I grabbed my essential belongings, taking my car keys first. I grab my jacket, put on my shoes and get out of the dorm, locking the door after myself.

I made my way out of the building, went to the parking lot, got in my car and off I went, probably driving a little faster than I was supposed to on that road.

It took me a few minutes to get to my destination, since it was a little far away.

I arrived at the bar, stopped my car in front of it and see Taehyung at the front of the bar, holding the building wall for some extra support.

I got out of my car and walked to to Taehyung, stopping right in front of him. He was a little hunched over, maybe having a little stomachache from all the alcohol.

I think he saw my feet, so he looked up, making eye contact with me and looked a bit too drunk. "Hey, Jin." He said as he winked at me. I just rolled my eyes at him, realizing I had so much better things to do on a Friday night.

"Come on, we are going back to the dorm, let's not waste time." I grabbed his wrist a bit rough and started to drag him into my car. He didn't insist or fight back, dealing with the fact that I was ruling this situation.

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